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I want to gain 1 inch in length and 1 12 inches in girth

I want to gain 1 inch in length and 1 and a half inches in girth

I have been PEing for awhile now. Maybe about 6 or seven months with no normal routine. Just doing whatever lol. Just never was able to register. I just started experimenting with clamping and hanging. I went from a lil under 7 inches erect to 8 inches and my girth is around 4.75 - 5 inches

But back to what I needed to know.. From the best gainers.

What should I do to get my goal??

I’m well past beginner

I just need a great routine

Last edited by HeyHowAreYA : 11-26-2006 at .


Last edited by HeyHowAreYA : 11-26-2006 at .

sounds like you perhaps should focus of girth work for a while.

If I had already got 8” of length to work with but only 5” of girth well that’s where I’d be focussing on.


“Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”
- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

Originally Posted by longwidehard
Sounds like you perhaps should focus of girth work for a while.

If I had already got 8” of length to work with but only 5” of girth well that’s where I’d be focussing on.


“Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”
- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

Yeah. I guess I’m pretty good with length right now.

But def on girth

I’m guessing clamping is the best way to go?

I’m just willing to try someones routine who has gained alot from whatever they did.

I would definitely bump up your girth work a bit but if you are still getting gains in length from what you are doing that is the only change I would make. An inch in half a year is very good gains.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Yeah I want to def get more girth.

But I remember reading something that it’s harder to get length after you get your girth up.

So I was a little skeptical about it.

Do you suggest taking supplements or anything for gains or no?

Originally Posted by HeyHowAreYA
Yeah I want to def get more girth.

But I remember reading something that it’s harder to get length after you get your girth up.

So I was a little skeptical about it.

Do you suggest taking supplements or anything for gains or no?

Supplements aren’t required.

Originally Posted by Bird2
Supplements aren’t required.


I didnt knwo if any of the herbs actually helped while PEing

But I just jelqed tongith for the first tiem in awhiel and it gave em a nice work out.

So hopefully I can get back on that girth gain train

I liek the clampign tho

I need to buy a real clamp. I’ve been improvising. And it still works lol

Jelqing should do it. At least it gave me almost 1 inch in about 1 year

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