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I'm a bit of a newbie just started PE will my penis get any longer if I circumcise it

I'm a bit of a newbie just started PE will my penis get any longer if I circumcise it

If anyone got any advice don’t want to increase girth just lenght, will cicumsition help? Thanks to all

Last edited by haydenukhayden : 03-12-2008 at .


1. Why on earth would your penis get longer if you circumcise it? I can’t understand why.

2. If you are only interested in length, stretch stretch stretch.

3. You need to use the search button (top row, third from the left) and also “similar threads” at the bottom of each page.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I just tought maybe it would help with PE thats all

Originally Posted by haydenukhayden
If anyone got any advice don’t want to increase girth just lenght, will cicumsition help? Thanks to all

Some have experienced shortening with circumcision, and pulling of the scrotal skin up the shaft of the penis, a condition known as penoscrotal webbing or "turkey neck". There’s a whole thread about it here: Official Turkey Neck Thread! .

So no, I would not recommend circumcision to increase length.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Personally I wouldn’t want to go through circumcision to add length. Just put some time and effort into a manual routine and am sure you’ll get what your looking for.

Also a guy as just been through a circumcision on here ask him some questions on the subject, as he has first hand experience with what your wanting to know.

Here’s the thread. - My Adult Circumcision Story With Pics

I have a somewhat related question for uncircumcised PE practicers.. I sometimes have trouble getting a good connection on hanging. The foreskin seems to bunch up and want to go over the head when I use my homemade chicken-choker weight-tension compression-based hanging device.

I’m happy to not have to worry about skin stretching like some uncircumcised guys do.. Plenty of skin here on my cock. I am actually hoping that some of the extra skin will be minimized as the inner gains happen. I have been practicing for awhile and not seen significant gains (<.25 inch), but I am not always the most regimented. I have taken the advice of starting slow and not gotten past 5 lbs yet, although I think the shaft of my dick could take more if the method of attachment to the head was more comfortable and safe. I also have the issue of a large vein going through the foreskin, which can get tangled and uncomfortable sometimes with the ‘ol chicken choker.


It seems to me that you probably not wrapping properly and the hanger is not gripping the internal structure as it should. Maybe you need to consider using another homemade device like the AFB to get a better grip so that it would not slide and bunch up the skin.

Pulling back the skin and attaching a bit further up the shaft should help also.

Are you getting any fatigue with the present weight?

Hayden, There is another thread that I gave a longer answer to basically the same question. Recommend the search botton.

Bottom line: I say NO! End the end (of your penis, ha ha). It is YOUR body and YOUR decision.

I recommend doing a Google search of the issue and look at the pros and cons yourself. Below are some links to sites to get you started on your research. You will find many opinions.

I personally think there are many more advantages to having a foreskin than to being cut. I am cut and I don’t like it. I think it has negatively impacted my sex life with my wife of over 20 years. So I started doing foreskin restoration (FR) two years ago. At the pace I am growing I estimate it will take another 6 to 8 years to get the coverage that I want. Keep in mind that FR does not completely restore the foreskin. There are many small parts at the end of the foreskin/penis that are cut off and that will never come back, NEVER!

Since you are on a penis enlargement (PE) site, I assume you want a bigger dick, not a smaller one. Cutting off part of you dick, the skin, makes your dick smaller in Volume (mostly girth). Most men want more size, not less. Cutting off a part of your dick will result in less penis to work with, period.

I started doing FR before I started doing PE. One day my wife said, “I like you having more skin. I think it also feels bigger. Is it bigger?” I said, “no not really, but more skin is increasing some of the volume and because I am not so tightly cut it allows more of my dick to come out from my body.” She smiled as she was playing with my dick and said, “well then, I really approve. So keep doing what you are doing.” At that point, just over a year ago, I looked into PE and started doing PE that week along with my FR. So far we both are enjoying my personal penis improvement program (PPIP), FR and PE together.

Here are some sites that may be of help to get started in your research. If the hyper links don’t work, cut and paste the URLs into the web browser and hit enter. The first site is a FR forum. You can look in there to get an idea of how many men on this one site are trying to do FR and the issues they are dealing with having a cut penis.

http://tlctugge … m/resources.htm
The Intactivism Pages
Home Page - National Organization of Restoring Men
NOHARMM Access Page
How to Identify Circumcision Damage in the Adult Male

I hope this helps you.
Good luck and happy gains.

4Foreskin ;)

I get some fatigue if I can get enough sets in but often I don’t have the time or privacy to do more than one or two 20 min sets. Actually just the last couple of sessions it has been feeling stronger and less fatigued after 5 lb hanging, so that’s partly why I want to ramp it up to 7.5lb. I also sometimes do 2.5 lb sets after the 5lb ones to get some extra stretching after the head is already too fatigued for 5 lbs.

I think it is a wrapping issue. I have found it difficult to wrap with the vein and extra skin because both seemed to get pinched sometimes if I wrap too tightly. Today I have the house to myself and am going to do some experimentation and try a different device I made that I think I’ll be able to get tighter. I will also experiment with different wrappings. I have been basically doing the t-shirt strip and rubber strip type wrap that I saw on an illustration on this site. If I can get a good grip I’m going to try 7.5 lbs and see where it goes. I’ll post results.

BPEL current: 6.75”


I think that it’s definitely time to up the weight if you are getting less fatigue at 5lb. However, since you mentioned you are short on privacy,
I would suggest you employ the swinging technique. Basically, after around 5mins of your set of 5lb, when the hanger has a good grip and everything feels comfortable start swinging slowly north-south, east-west and do some circles clockwise and anticlockwise. This should help bring about the fatigue more quickly.
Once you start to reach the intense fatigue, try and ride it as much as you can.

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