Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm new. I need help.


I'm new. I need help.

I’m 23 years old, and my life has been destroyed by ED.

My penis used to work very well, I could have sex for as much as two hours at a time

One night I lasted far too long, just short of three hours. After that night I never had a full erection again. That was about 2 and 1/2 years ago.

In subsequent acts of coitus, with my girlfriend on top, I was injured.

She had a large vagina, and would ride me too violently, and when I’d slip out, she hurt me.

Hind sight is 20/20, and I’d never heard of an injured penis back then, I had no idea.

My whole life has been destroyed by this thing. I haven’t had a full erection in 2 and a half years.

Viagra and Cialis do very little.

Needless to say I also face size problems, and rigidity problems. I feel hopefully when I read these forums.

I’m alright with my length. It’s about 6.25, and that’s just fine for me. But my girth is a mere 4.3, and that’s if I use a cock ring, to help me get closer to my old, natural full erection.

Sex used to be great, and girls would brag on me and make me feel wonderful. Since my penis problems, I’ve had girls who liked me very much DISSAPEAR, after the first night that we’ve had sex.

I’ve been to 8 urologists, and needles stuck in my dick for tests and all kinds of other horrors.

.I turn here now..

I did Jelqing for about a month, but that was about 5 years ago, long before my problems. I noticed it made my flaccid size bigger, but that’s all, but then I wasn’t really hardcore.

Do you think you guys can help me?You’d literally be giving me my life back.

I’ve considered that I may be an undesirable member, that perhaps, .you’d rather not touch this train wreck with a 10 foot pole.I don’t know, I really hope you guys can help me.

Wow, so sorry to hear your troubles. You’ll find a lot of great advice here. What did the urologists say?

I’ll start off with the first peiece of advice: KEGEL. And don’t do it too much, your pelvic floor muscles are definitely weak at this point. I’d suggest doing a minute the first day, taking two days off, repeat. Do this for a week or two, and then move up to 1 on, 1 off.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Hm, this sounds a bit like the experience with my first gf.. Ouch ;)
The thing is:
How long has it been since you injured your dick?
How easy did it heal?
What do you feel is the problem that hinders your dick from functioning normally again?
How do you know this is really the problem that’s responsible?
And lastly, how do you know this perceived problem is not just _an_ explanation (as opposed to the real explanation) ?

Cycle through these until you get an answer that immediately feels right and then come back here.


P.S: In other words: When doctors can’t help or explain a problem it usually really helps asking your subconscious.. But you will have to get all those conscious mind explanations out of the way to get a meaningful answer / idea of what’s really going on. Go for it, tiger :)

Yes, my advice would be kegels too. If that doesn’t work, I’m stumped =/

Originally Posted by jackman2020
I’ve considered that I may be an undesirable member, that perhaps, .you’d rather not touch this train wreck with a 10 foot pole.I don’t know, I really hope you guys can help me.

As long as you follow the Forum Guidelines, you’ll be OK. This is a very friendly and supportive forum, and I think you’ll find that people will help to the best of their ability. Be aware though, that this is an internet forum and going to a doctor in the flesh is often the best option.

Whatever you do, follow remek’s advice and don’t overdo things. Go slow, since you don’t really know what happened.

By the way, describe more about how the accident happened - did you bend at the base, or what?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Read this: Plea for help

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

The doctors said that I have some microscopic scar tissue in my penis, that is impeding blood flow, and that I also have some leakage.

But they say that both of these are pretty slight, and that they shouldn’t cause as much trouble as I’m having.

It goes without saying, that physical erection problems can be compounded mentally.

And if I’m quite relaxed, and have had some wine, then it does improve some, but even then it ain’t right.

I just went in and warmed up with a hot wash cloth in the tub, and then did about 5 minutes of jelqing.

I remember when I played with it as a healthy young man how I’d look on in awe/horror/joy, at how HUGE my penis head became. That didn’t really happen anymore, it got plump, and red, but not really in the same way.

When I got done Jelqing I proceeded to arouse myself fully.

I was surprised and excited, my erection was noticably more rigid (and just felt so different inside, a noticable step closer to how it used to feel).

Obviously it isn’t possible that anything magical has happened after one jelqing session but.there definetly WAS a difference,maybe my penis just needed to remember what good engorgement felt like.

Or hell, maybe I knocked a blood clot loose at long last.

Again, there was a noticable difference, I can’t help but hope that this is a sign of something good begining.

All through having this problem, one of the hardest things has been that I coulnd’t DO anything about it.

I used to be too skinny growing up, so I pumped iron and got strong. I wanted to go to college, so I took two kinds of summer school and worked two jobs, and was able to..

That’s how life should be, you should be able to work hard to .I will be very very happy, if I can work hard and have a healthy happy (dare I dream large and thick?) penis.

I didn’t do any stretching exercises.if I had a fully functional Wang, and it was of a respectable thickness.I suppose I’d have an interest in elongation but.for now, I kinda don’t care.

That and to be honest, from all the reading I’ve done and my personal research, girls seem to be very put off (in some cases even disgusted) by a penis that is long but, I honestly don’t think I’d WANT to gain length as of right now.

Thanks for your support guys, anything you can help me with I’m very grateful.

Mgus, thank you for referring me to that post. It’s quite a story

I had a test done to measure HOW MUCH blood was leaking out, but no tests as of yet done to determine WHERE

However the belief is (based on how much/little I’m leaking) that my leaks will be too small to find and or fix.

But they also say to me that the leakage I have should not be creating THIS much of a problem, that it’s very slight. So I’m tempted to pursue other ways to help myself.

I will try Kegels. How often do you think I should do them? Is 1 minute every 3 days honestly enough?

As for the “accident” sadly it is multiple. My girlfriend hurt me multiple times, in some cases I’d slip out and get smashed, and in some cases, while still deep inside her she’d move to violently and I felt a sensation in my pelvis/penis base, like when you pop your knuckles.

My situation IS similar to that fellow in one way, that I have issues with my head not wnating to inflate. Sadly, I also have overall rigidity and engorgement problems, and a slight downward curve as well.

The curve.well, it’s not a good thing but, it’s a problem that I wouldn’t mind so much if I could be ok in these other ways.

Thanks again guys., really, SO much.

Actually.after reading that guy’s article. I began to think: I have noticed, that when I’m trying to get a hard on, if I apply a slight “straightening pressure” against the slight downward curve that my penis has developed, that it helps. But now that I think about it, the way I position my fingers to DO that.was I.pressuring that vein shut, and that was the real reason?I’ll have to test that.

Thanks guys, thanks for being my friends, and helpers on this. It means very much to me.

Last edited by jackman2020 : 04-04-2007 at .

Upon measuring my circumfrence previously, (4.3 inches erect) I’ve known that the average was around 5, and I’ve always kinda just thought, damn, I’m .7 short of being average. I never really could quite visualize what that would mean. I just measured the circumfrence of a toilet paper tube, and it was 5.2 inches.

Damn man, seeing that, and realizing that the AVERAGE penis size is closer to that than mine, and seeing just how huge that difference is, it’s very depressing.

A bit worse to realize that, most girls, sleep with a handful of guys, and so will probably experience at least one who is a good bit above average.and here I am with this thin thing.

Guess I’d better try to keep my chin up.

I’ve had a very tough past few years. In addition to the things I’ve said before, while I was going through all of this, my beautiful fiance cheated on me, with several men. I can’t tell you how badly it hurt me to know that they gave her what I couldn’t. That and she infected me with gential warts. (Will those affect PEing?)

Jackman, I’m a newbie here myself. It looks as if we both have found someplace where we can get help without embarrassment. The members here are a wealth of knowledge.

It looks like you have started to succeed already. That’s great! All injuries require therapy to regain full use. With work, a positive attitude and a bit of luck, I hope that you are able to regain your strength and add a little girth. Good luck!

Originally Posted by jackman2020
I can’t tell you how badly it hurt me to know that they gave her what I couldn’t.

Genital warts?

Seriously… you deserve better. I’m sorry that your fiance cheated on you (and gave you genital warts and a broken penis to remember her by…), but better that you find that out about her now, rather than years from now. She may have been beautiful, but her beauty did not extend to her character if she did that to you.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by jackman2020
Actually.after reading that guy’s article. I began to think: I have noticed, that when I’m trying to get a hard on, if I apply a slight “straightening pressure” against the slight downward curve that my penis has developed, that it helps. But now that I think about it, the way I position my fingers to DO that.was I.pressuring that vein shut, and that was the real reason?I’ll have to test that.

As far as I’ve understood, the inflation of the penis is done by allowing arteries to relax and let in more blood, and when the pressure is increased the veins are pressed against the tunica. Outflow via the veins is regulated by small slits in the veins, called venules, located on the tunica side of the vein. When the veins are pressed against the tunica, outflow is limited and the increased inflow is trapped and you start getting a hardon. This goes on until you ejaculate, upon which relaxin is released, which in ways unclear to me affect the arteries and veins so that the blood is allowed to go out again.

One could speculate that violent bending of the penis in erect states will tear/stretch the veins, since they are on the outside of the tunica - you know what a metal pipe looks like when you bend it? All stretched on one side, crunched on the other. So it isn’t unimaginable that the veins and venules got stretched, maybe a little ripped and when they healed with scar tissue that prevents them from shutting tight against the tunica.

Now if you can pinpoint - like Yataghan could - an area or certain areas that need to be pressed for you to get a hardon (kind of like covering all holes in a flute), and you can repeat this over and over again, then you can pretty much show that where the leak is and that it in fact is affecting the erection quality. If you can do that, then going to the radiologist might be an option.

You got all of easter to experiment. Report in later.

Overheard in locker room:

“Hey Jackman, why you got all them magic marker spots on your dick???!”

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Yes, you have a a very good understanding of it Mgus. Basically once scar tissue is inside it screws everything up. Because scar tissue is not special, expanding erectile tissue, in fact quite the opposite, scar tissue tends to constrict.

Further more the tough fibrous nature of the scar tissue can RESIST pressure from the corporal bodies, that are supposed to pinch the veins shut.

Also significant is the fact that curvature in and of itself effect rigidity.

Next time you have a straw, play with it a little, and see it’s resistance to bend. Then put a little kink in it and see how that resistance is gone.

I did some more measuring, and averaging, it seems more accurate to say that my EG is 4.5, and not 4.3, nice, to be alittle bit closer to OK.

Here’s to hopin. Thanks again for you help you guys.


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