Immediate shrinkage after exercise?
Please forgive (but point out!) any noob mistakes I may be making, this is my first post.
I am wondering about flaccid size, especially if it is normal for my penis to go back to its “cold-weather” appearance within minutes of using a pump, jelqing or using the Phallosan Forte.
I have started exercising about 1,5 months ago, aiming at increasing erect size.
Still, I wonder if flaccid size and how quickly my penis goes back to the smaller size after exercise is an indicator that I am doing something right or wrong.
And, of course, increased flaccid size would be a very welcomed side-effect.
I believe I am also currently recovering from PIED (with a long way to go yet),
So perhaps many years of excessive masturbation plays a role?
I would appreciate some input.
Start : BPEL 5,5" x EG 5" (3/2016)
Goal: BPEL 8" x EG 6"