Illness, Protein and Penis Shrinkage
I recently contracted Diarrhea and had to basically starve myself for 4 days to get rid of it (along with taking imodium)
In that time I did no pe, didn’t take in as much fluids as normal and basically lived off a couple crackers and a cup of soup throughout the course of a day. In the 4 days I was doing all this I noticed my penis start to shrivel, retreat and eventually start turtling again like he used to do pre-pe.
I wasn’t too worried because I know once you’re ill he tends to go missing as your body has more important things to worry about than reproduction but I was thinking, could this shrinkage have something to do with a separate issue to the illness?
Possibly my food intake?
While I was on this no food diet the main missing component would have been protein and this would be quite important in muscle/testosterone level and sometimes energy. Maybe this complete absence of protein was the cause of my shrinkage? I remember a few guys saying you should treat pe like bodybuilding and that it requires first class nutrition and rest/ recuperation to be fully effective and this would tie in with my recent experience.
As from tomorrow I’m back on my normal eating regime and we shall see how my body responds, as well as my penis. Sometimes I think we do get carried away with the physical aspect of pe, carrying out workout after workout, hour after hour, day after day but we maybe under value the nutritional aspects of tissue/cell growth.
Bodybuilders often say nutrition is 70% and the exercise is 30%.
The truth is one isn’t effect without the other but if you was to value one over the other the nutritional side would come out on top.
While I’m not worried about my shrinkage, because I view it as absolutely temporary, I’m starting to understand that nutrition is something I take for granted and if I applied the same intensity to my eating habits that I do in my workouts I could be walking around with a Shane Diesel type monster cock.
An exaggeration of course but I do feel the underlying principle is true.
Neglect your nutrition and your efforts are wasted or, as I like to say, feed it well and watch it swell.
Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.
Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)