Importance of full erection for gaining when PE
Hey guys, I’m all new here! First of all, sorry if sometimes my english is not accurate as I’m french!! Thanks.
I am about to start doing PE, more precisely the newbie routine and I had one particular question..
First, I feel really insecure with the size of my penis, in erection it’s 5.11 BPEL x 4, and in flacid state it’s 2.95x3.50, and in this particular state it looks really small..
Since this stresses me out a lot, and I am kind under a depression state of mind, it is very hard for me to get a full nice erection.
I am able to attain a 50-70% erection, so that’s enough for PE, but my lack of sex drive and self confidence, prevents me to have a good erection..
My question is as followed : I have been checking quite lots threads of this forum and it seems that quite lot people manage to have nice good erections.. And in general those people were making gains..
So my question is : Do you think it is necessary that to have from time to time full erections to let the maximum amount of blood flow go through the penis and so that the penis get used to the new increased amount ( I hope you get the point) or if even without having full erections, it is possible to make same gains as someone who wouldn’t have ED.
Also, as I’m pretty thin,( the girth of the penis), I was wondering if it seems easier to gain girth when thinner or it doesn’t make any difference..
Thanks a lot guys