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Increasing penis size simple as possible

Increasing penis size simple as possible

Hello everybody,

I am quite new here. I am asking myself if do I need devices like rings, pumps or etc to gain length or girth? I would like to do it naturally. Also only with hands (jelqing, stretching, etc). Is that possible? Who has experience with that?

In my first stint with PE, I added .75 inches in length in about 6 months, using only manual stretches and jelqing.

Originally Posted by john345p
Hello everybody,

I am quite new here. I am asking myself if do I need devices like rings, pumps or etc to gain length or girth? I would like to do it naturally. Also only with hands (jelqing, stretching, etc). Is that possible? Who has experience with that?

You should start with the Newbie routine found here at Thunders. Search for it here. It’s simple, no device’s etc.
I believe most of the vets here started with that routine. I stayed on just the Newbie routine for almost my two first years. Eventually you will exhaust your newbie gains. Then you can decide if you want to add tools/devices to continue growing.
The most important things are consistency, dedication, not to overdo it and adding heat whenever possible. If you can do all these things you will make it bigger. But, there are no guarantees on how much. I’ve gained all but a half inch in MEG and almost an inch in BPEL since August 2018. Some grow more some grow less.
I’m still working at it and I enjoy it. I’ll probably keep at it the rest of my life.
Good luck to you!

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Thank you for the answers. I will try consistently then with the newbie protocol and check the results in the first six months.

You can definitely make progress manually, it’s all about your personal venn diagram of available time, methods chosen, PI (physiological indicators), etc. I’m measuring once a month just to try to avoid driving myself crazy.

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