Injury and Erection questions for newbie routine
Hey, I just did the newbie routine for the first time today. I was curious about two things.
1. Apparently when stretching and jelqing I should avoid the dorsal vein? Are their any other veins or injury-preventive measures I have to take? I really don’t’ want to end up hurting myself.
2. During jelqing, I was finding it INCREDIBLY hard to stay soft. Every 5-10 jelqs my 60-70% erection would develop into a full hard on, so I’d have to pause and wait for it to go down a little. Anyways, I did this SO much, that after I finished my 200 jelqs and finished the routine, I found it extremely difficult to get an erection. Is this normal or what? Later on I got one and I masturbated, just to make sure I still could.
Thanks a lot for your help guys and I appreciate it a lot!