Thunder's Place

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Intermittent Fasting Help To Gain Size Faster Due To Higher HGH Levels


Yes sometimes it definitely can be a challenge. A lot of healthy fats (high calories) such as nuts and avocado, carbs and lots of protein. Easy calories after a huge meal such as a protein shake with milk, or I’ll pound down dry oats with water after just eating a huge meal. So I’ve gained some tactics lol

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Through I. F. your hgh and test levels could not possibly go high enough to make a significant difference. You talk like the levels go up so high it changes everything. Yes it may go up some but not to the point to wear it makes a big difference. And if it could help grow your soldier then everything else would grow also.

Being in the health and nutrition field and a personal trainer for 10+ years I’d agree with most comments. There wouldn’t be such a dramatic increase in hormones that it would do very much. If anything you might heal a little faster meaning you could train harder and recover better. But when you’re building muscle every little advantage does add up in the end if you stay consistent. A lot of it can be mentally also, if you think it helps it will. Placebo effect is real, you could do your PE training the way CT Fletcher works out, lol.

He screams vulgar words at his muscles commanding them to grow. I can see it now, “GROW YOU LITTLE DICK! I COMMAND YOU TO GROW!! Lol Got off topic but yeah, if anything you would be able to train more frequently do to repairing faster.

I haven’t managed to stick to the fasting yet but everything I have read actually suggests a big difference, You are very literally changing the way the chemicals in the body are used, you are changing the way the organs work, you are changing hormones on a drastic level if the tests are accurate, you are changing very much even the way the brain works and the function of how it has worked in the past. And if a womans period is any example to go by, even tiny hormonal changes can make a massive difference to the personality of that woman, the body temperature, and other chemical effects.

I don’t think anyone in supreme health would get as drastic an affect from it mind you, but if you are living on burgers and processed foods and suddenly switch to healthy eating it makes a big difference very quickly, if you change even just by not drinking coke and start drinking water that too makes a big difference.

But if you already eat healthy and all the rest of it but you have a single unit of alcohol every night, but stop that process the changes might not be so noticable because the healthier body finds a balance more quickly.

Started at 7.2BPEL x 5.4 2016-09-08

Flucuating around 7.75 BPEL x 6.3 2017-06-12

Penomet, stretches, kegals and jelqs...


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