Thunder's Place

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Introduction and Questions

Introduction and Questions

Hi guys!

Like to just make my introduction and greet you all. I’m very excited to start PE. Though I do have some questions before I get started. I have read some FAQs and looked at the PE manual and learned a few things, but I just need some clarification on some specific things before I get started

I am uncircumcised and plan to start on the newbie routine. I know for jelqing it is said to have a 50-70% erect, but for basic stretching and the warp up does it matter what level of erection it is at?

For people who have started PE does it help to stop masturbating or does it not mater if we keep doing that?

Since I am uncircumcised does it matter if its dry or wet jelq? Have there been more proven benefits with either or? And should I be retracting the foreskin to jelq because I’m hoping I don’t have to.

Also I’m a bit confused about kegel exercise. I tried looking at the manual and pictures about it, but it is pretty much near the base of your penis that you need to hold and squeeze?

I’m sorry if these questions we’re linked somewhere that I may of missed. Any tips or advice to someone new to PE would be greatly appreciated as well!

Both warm-up and stretching should be performed when 100% flaccid. It doesn’t really matter about masturbating, the only possible factor would be timing.

Some people actually masturbate shortly before PE to stop themselves from getting an 100% erection when trying to jelq which can be quite frustrating having to wait for it to subside.

Since you are uncircumcised I would suggest performing wet jelqs for two reasons. Firstly, dry jelqs have a lot more friction against your skin compared to wet jelqs, which can lead to stretched/excess skin over time. Also dry jelqs are more intense than wet jelqs, as you are just starting you want to minimise any possible risks of injury as your body gets accustomed to the stresses of PE.

Kegeling is contracting the muscle you use to stop yourself peeing mid-stream, you know if you are doing it correctly because you see your penis jumping up and down.

Apart from that, good luck!

Starting Stats 19/05/2012: BPEL: 7.25" MSEG: 5.125"

Current Stats 10/11/2012: BPEL: 8.00" MSEG: 5.25"

Long-term Goal: NBPEL: 8.00" MSEG: 6.00"

Thanks a lot for the reply!

Originally Posted by -venom-
Some people actually masturbate shortly before PE to stop themselves from getting an 100% erection when trying to jelq which can be quite frustrating having to wait for it to subside.

As an addendum to this, after a short time of PEing, it’s easier to maintain a consistent semi-erection without getting fully hard. The 100% erection is pretty common when first starting.

Started (6-10-12) BPEL: 7.000", NBPEL: 6.0" EG: not certain

Current (10-20-13) BPEL: 7.75", NBPEL: 6.375", EG: 4.875"

Goal: NBPEL: 7.5", EG: 5.5"

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