Introduction and a few questions
Hey lads, just saying hello for the first time and thanking everyone for their input on this site. I’m sure I’m not alone in appreciating such an effort towards boosting ones self esteem, and it’s very comforting to know that others share some of the same fears, thoughts and emotions as I do. Feeling alone on this subject since the day dot isnt very pleasant!
I have a million and one questions but ill try to keep it brief, for now :) . 2 years ago I decided to lose weight as I considered it to be the main reason for my non existant self esteem. 1 year later I lost 50 kg to be at the lower end of my ideal weight for my height. Suffice to say it has changed my life completely, forever. The sense of achievement still overwhelms me and certainly motivated many around me (much like these forums!) to do likewise. Many changes in my life occured as a result and I assure anyone that the massive effort required is worth every last minute. However my self esteem is still extremely low for reasons obvious, as I’ve joined this forum!
Currently I am 7” EL x just under 5” girth. BPEL I’m over 7” though I don’t really use this measurement as thats not the length thats used during the act. I’ve never been fussed on the length however the girth annoys the piss out of me. Flaccid is another story again. I’m about 3” but no girth whatsoever to the point of when wearing underwear not much can be seen at all. I’m a very tall bloke, athletic with muscle definition so it can tend to look rather odd and I’m really getting sick of the questions asked about it. I mean as adults we approach it maturely but eventually it can wear thin, scuse the several puns used!
Anyhow, more to the point, I find when I do stretchs it seems theres no way in hell any size could be gained. Because theres no real volume to my ol fella when flaccid, I suspect not much gains can be had girth wise. Is this the same for anyone else? My erections have always been rock solid so to me it seems theres not much room to move as the skin already looks fully stretched.
Hopefully this makes sense and somone else is built similar to myself and could share their experience. Thanks heaps for any and all help and for the support of everyone here. It’s about bloody time blokes helped each other in a similar fashion to our fairer counterparts :)