Thunder's Place

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Is a 10 day break bad for your gains?

Is a 10 day break bad for your gains?

I was sick recently for 10 days and could not wear my extender or do any real stretching. I only did some light stretching everytime i went to the bathroom. Now i wonder, are these breaks very bad for gains or?

It varies from person to person (like everything about PE), but VinterFrost, set your worries at ease. At least for me, I did PEing for a month straight and had some decent gains, but had to stop for a week and a half afterwards because of an injury. I measured yesterday and my gains are exactly where they left off a week and a half ago. Your girth my slide down 1/16 but that will come back after 1 or 2 routines of jelqing.

March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)

April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'

I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress

Okay. Thanks a lot. No worries then.

They sure don’t help. I know most people do a 5/2, 6/1 or even a 7/0 but I have lately been doing a 2/5. Basically, I’m just insuring I don’t lose during my lazy times. Those 10 days break will definitely set you back, but it’s not like the ceiling of your penis is lower now.

I guess I’m not high enough to get that one ^.

March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)

April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'

I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress

Well guess what else your not gonna get party pooper? The Colonel.

Sucks to be you nerd.

I wish I could understand the hip slang of you generation Z cats. Who’s this colonel anyway, daddio? Surely not the famous non-Colonel in charge of the pelvis’ career.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Johnnno dropped a quote from the hillarious movie “Grandma’s Boy.” I simply responded back with the quote that follows his.

This old Grandma got high drinking tea and she offers this man some cereal, called Colonel Crunch. She says “I wish he would just hop off the box and hang out with us. I think he’s so cute.” The guy says he’s not high enough to get it, and then the grandma responds with my line, hands the cereal to a biker, and the biker tells the nerd it sucks to be him.

Originally Posted by Springer240
Johnnno dropped a quote from the hillarious movie “Grandma’s Boy.” I simply responded back with the quote that follows his.

This old Grandma got high drinking tea and she offers this man some cereal, called Colonel Crunch. She says “I wish he would just hop off the box and hang out with us. I think he’s so cute.” The guy says he’s not high enough to get it, and then the grandma responds with my line, hands the cereal to a biker, and the biker tells the nerd it sucks to be him.

Springer240 I officially love you… but,

I hate your face.

March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)

April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'

I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress

Originally Posted by Johnnno
Springer240 I officially love you.. But,

I hate your face.

I love everybody, your all my new phlebians now, I terminated the old one’s, hehehe.

Kingpole says speak English!

And no a ten day break won’t hur anything, even if it does not get up to where it was before the break, you can bring it back up with your regular routine.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Thanks for the explanation. I would ask whether this movie is funny in the way that say American Pie is funny (i.e. not very) but I don’t want to take this thread any further off course. So back to the topic.

A 10 day break is fine imo, as long as it’s not |: 10 days off 3 days on :|.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Has annyone experienced length loss during a 10 - 14 days brak? How long dit it take to get it back?

My unit grew on a weeks break.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

You just need to listen to your penis. If you feel like it wants some rest, leave it be. It will thank you.

And like Thatcat, I also noticed signs of growth on a small break.

But don’t be lazy, just intuitive.

Originally Posted by sandudan

Has anyone experienced length loss during a 10 - 14 days break? How long did it take to get it back?

No length loss, but a little girth loss (temporary gains) that came back after the first couple of sessions after the break. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Originally Posted by Thatcat

My unit grew on a weeks break.

I seem to grow during breaks too, it has happened more than once. I like breaks :)

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