Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

quik4life's $500 PE Challenge

quik4life's $500 PE Challenge

Once I discovered that increasing the length and girth of a penis was not impossible, having a larger penis is all that I’ve ever wanted. Seriously.

I have spent countless hours researching on ThundersPlace and have spent countless hours performing various PE routines.

Yet, I’m close to giving up on PE.

Everytime I come to Thunders, another newbie has gained. And where is quik4life? I’m still at the starting line and even though I’ve been running my ass off in the past 15 months, I haven’t moved an inch. Although I am a non-gainer, I still believe that EVERYONE can gain from PE, including myself. I’m out of ideas and my motivation is starting to diminish. Don’t get me wrong - when I’m on a routine, I’m the most dedicated and persistent person you will ever meet. But if another summer goes by where I have to stare at my pathetic BP 5.75 x 4.25 inch cock again, I’m really going to get depressed.

But, I’m not here for anyone’s sympathy (or empathy). I’m here for help - help from all members - from newbies, to intermediates, to veterans.

My History

I discovered MOS about 15 months ago, but I didn’t really start a routine until I found ThundersPlace. I commenced my PE journey with the Newbie Routine. After 3 months of persistent and dedicated penis-yanking, I gained zilch. Nada. Zip.

I took about a week or two off from PE to do some more research and think of an alternate route on my PE journey. I decided to give Mem’s Rapid Gain Routine a try. After another three months, I did gain. Yet, the results were temporary. I gained about 0.2” of BPL, but my erections were weaker than ever and I actually lost 0.1” of EG. I’ll admit it - I didn’t work my way up to the stated times and intensities. I thought my penis was conditioned enough from the Newbie Routine to just go at it. My flagging erections worried me and I stopped Mem’s Routine. My “gains” quickly disappeared and never re-appeared again. And to be honest, I don’t think I gained at all - I think I probably just measured wrong in the first place.

I did some research and found a whole bunch of people raving about dry jelqs. People like 7of9 and RicJoh swear by them. Knowing dry jelqs were intense, I worked my way up to a schedule of 10-15 mins 5 days a week. Again, no gains.

I decided to give clamping a try. Everyone and their mother (father?) was hoping on the bandwagon and were gaining as well. I worked my way up and tried various routines. I was doing about 1 hour’s worth of low intensity clamping (which actually gave me more expansion than high intensity clamping) about 5 days a week. After 2.5 - 3 months of clamping, I was left with 3 very dark discolored patches on the bottom of my shaft and NO permanent gains.

I took 3 weeks off, and decided to give Mem’s Routine another try. I worked my way up to Mem’s times and intensities VERY SLOWLY, but still had no gains.

I did some more research and thought maybe I was overtraining. There are lots of people on this board who advocate that less is more. I decided to give that a try as well. As of late, I’ve been doing 10-15 minutes of wet jelqing every other day. I’ve been doing this routine for about 1.5 months and have not gained a hair (actually, I have gained a hair - probably about 50 of them and they’re continue to grow up my freakin’ shaft like you wouldn’t believe!).

I’ve tried so many variations of the routines described above. Warming up and down, not warming up and down. Doing only one, and not the other. Overhand grip, underhand grip. Pressure on the sides when jelqing, pressure on the top and bottom. During the Newbie Routine, I did a 3 on/1off routine. Then for Mem’s I did a 5 on/2 off. Then I tried 7 on/1 off. And now, I’m at 1 on/1 off. I’ve also tried varying the number of my ejaculations each week. I’ve also tried varying the percentage of my erection during jelqing - one routine would be 40%, and another I’d be doing 80%.

My Challenge

My brain is on PE overload. I’m depressed and I’m…well…I’m tired. Words cannot express this mutual depressed and frustrated feeling I have that constantly envelopes me.

I created this thread to get opinions and suggestions on what road I should take next on my PE journey. Should I go back to the Newbie Routine? Should I do an exclusive stretching routine? Should I hang? Should I give up entirely? WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!

I am asking ALL members of Thunders (newbies, intermediates and veterans) to suggest which routine I should do next and WHY I should do it. What is your reasoning/logic behind your suggestion. Create a routine that you think will finally get me the gains that I think I deserve. Please be as specific as possible.

Oh, and just so you know: I’m 5’6”, 160 lbs, a very healthy eater, I workout 5-6 days a week with weights and HIIT running and am 24 years of age.

My Promise

My stats are BP 5.75 x 4.25. My goal is a (modest) 7 x 5. That’s it. I’m not interested in the classic 8 x 6. I’m not saying I wouldn’t love it, but I would be MORE THAN SATISFIED with a 7 x 5. Plus, on my frame, a 7 x 5 would look huge anyway.

If I decide to choose the routine that you suggest, I will donate $500 —- $400 to ThundersPlace and $100 to the member whose routine gave me the gains to reach my goal.

I will provide pictures of my current size of need be. If I achieve my desired goal of 7 x 5, I will post up my pics in the Member’s Pic’s Section of Thunders and will pay the $500 accordingly.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

I believe you should do just manual stretching and wet jelqing daily and do some clamping in between.

WHY? Because if you consistanly do it (over 3 months) everyday (not too intense where your unit is sore), I bet you’ll see some gains. I’m talking like 15 minutes a day with a proper warm up.

I personally don’t think you should be going full blown all the time, because if you go full blown, your body will adapt and you will have to work A LOT harder, which will be hard to do.

Periodization. That is what you need to do. Constantly do stretching and jelqing. Make it your “base” plan. Maybe once a week, do clamping, along with jelqing and stretching. Do it somewhat intense and keep the session short. Don’t jump into a 20-30 minute clamping session. Then, the next week, do two clamping sessions (2 days apart). The third week, do three clamping sessions. The fourth week, do no clamping. And then start over.

Slow and steady will give you results. BTW, I’m not looking for any money if you choose to do this routine. I just want you to get some gains and keep at it :)

EDIT: BTW, how are your muscle gains in the gym. If those haven’t budged in a few years, maybe you have low testosterone. Just a thought.

Thanks for your reply ShyMplsMale.

I’m going to wait for some more suggestions to be posted before I choose the routine I will do.

To be honest, I’m kind of weary of going back to clamping - I don’t think I could take any more discoloration than I already have. But, if your WHY convinces me, then I guess I have no choice.

Re: muscle gain: I’m not really bulking. I’m just lifting to keep in shape (if that makes sense). My erection strength has significantly improved since I eased up on the stretching part of my routines.

If you, or any other member, are not interested in any money, then I’ll donate the fullboat to ThundersPlace.

Is erection strength a direct sign of testosterone levels? If it is, then I think mine is pretty much average. If not, then maybe I need to get tested. The last time I had a physical (which was about 4 months ago), everything came back normal.

I’m looking forward to more suggestions

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~


I think you’d be hard pressed to find any members here who would accept your money. That’s what’s so great about Thunder’s. If I suggested something that worked for you, your success would be payment enough. Having said that, I think a donation to Thunder’s would be an excellent display of your appreciation and would certainly allow this great community and resource to continue to help and support to those that come after us.

You seem to have the dedication to make good progress. As for any specific suggestion, you might want to take a look at the quality of your exercises rather than the composition of your routine. Obviously I can’t make a blanket statement saying you aren’t doing it right because I just don’t know. Besides, that might not be the problem at all.

For my part, I was able to make decent gains with just manual exercises, but I stopped after a few months and lost a third of my gains. What I lacked in determination I made up for with just plain dumb luck. Now I’m back and I’ve added hanging to my routine. I’m hoping I’ll be able to stick it out and reach my goals, and even though you haven’t gained, you’re story is still inspiring.

I would definitely give hanging a try as well as increasing the time that you jelq to something closer to 15-20 minutes. When I made my most dramatic gains I was doing 20-30 minutes of wet jelqs in the morning before work and another 20-30 minutes in the evening with a few 1 minute stretches thrown in. I was also doing kegels during my 25 minute commute to work. I didn’t experience any adverse effects to my erections unless you consider getting rock hard at random times during the day as if I was a 13 year old as an adverse effect.

Please keep us up to date on your progress and best of luck to you!

Quick, you’ve been at this a long time, and it would appear without much sucess :(

What I am going to suggest is that you continue with the jelqs and stretches, you add hanging to your routine, as well as Uil’s, and Horse squeezes for girth. Also add Fowlers to the mixture. Think of this as a dick cocktail. Do not overtrain, which will cause a weakening in erection strength. Listen to the body it will let you know in no uncertain terms if you are doing to much, or not enough.

The why, it appears to me that you have some super stubborn ligs, and to get length you need to create micro tears in order to gain those precious inches (girth too for that fact). Warm up is important as it makes the ligs and other tissue structures more accepting to the stresses placed on them and they give a little easier. If you have one, or are inclined to make one, an ADS might be your answer. Low load over a long period of time will help with the length (at least it does with regular muscles and I know the penis isn’t one, but there is a fine layer of muscle covering it).

While this isn’t going to be much help, what will work for one member here isn’t going to for another. Find what is best for you and be persistant and dedicated. Some guys gain quick, others like yourself don’t. Rest when necessary, and then go back at it. I don’t know that much about the “shock” routine the guys talk about, maybe one of them will elaborate.

Oh and one more piece of advice from someone who doesnt have a dick, you have your ultimate goal of 7x5, take that goal and put it in smaller increments so it doesn’t seem out of reach. Like I want to gain .25 in length and girth in the next two months, then go for another .25 and so on. That way you are more likely to feel successful and before you know it, you will be at your ultimate goal. Remember, baby steps.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I have come up with a formula that should clear up this whole PE dilemma.


In plain English Erection strength equals the potential of expansion of mass.

Now I’m partly joking and partly serious, I believe you have to increase your erection strength to increase the size of your erections. Of course that seems ridiculously obvious, but at the same time people give PE advice with seemingly no concern about erection strength. Where as when I give PE advice the first thing I want to know is how much do you masturbate, and how strong are your erections.

I’ve noticed no gainers and hard gainers usually have a few things in common. They usually masturbate way to often, they have weak erections , or they’ll have massive routines that last over an hour a night. The first thing PE should fix is ED. If you don’t fix ED there is little hope you will get bigger erections.

I put myself in the hard gainers category, but I think I’ve realized my mistakes and I’m seeing real progress. I over trained, and masturbated, which gave me weak erections little recovery time and only small gains. I’ve since cut back my routine to 12 minutes of jelqing in the morning and 10 minutes manual stretching. Two days on one off, I do no more than this and this is plenty, I’ve been doing PE for many years, there cant possibly be a more conditioned penis than mine. If cock fights were legal I’d be the welterweight champion of the world!

I know no one wants to hear that masturbating is bad for gains. But it is, it’s bad for gains, it’s bad for gains. I haven’t done it in a month, and I will go as long as humanly possible. It’s not that hard to quit, you just have to focus, and get past the first week, after that first week it gets much much easier. Also the less you masturbate the less you like it. Stop for a month, that’s my challenge to you hard gainers, improve your erections strength, it will improve your PE workouts with more intense sessions. Which will help you with gains over time.

Put it this way, I can do an entire 12 minute dry jelq session with no porn no jacking off of any kind only mild slapping all the while maintaining the perfect erection for optimal expansion the entire time. I couldn’t do that when I masturbated two or three nights a week. I think it’s important to get an intense workout, and then leave the thing alone, let it rest, don’t go on for hours jerking off and squeezing the hell out of it all day long. You’ll just weaken your next session, you need to heal so the next morning you’ll have a strong erection ready for expansion, and not turtled up and sore to the touch.

Weak erections definitely hamper your ability for expansion and growth. And if you have weak erections you need to figure out why.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Originally Posted by Pud

I know no one wants to hear that masturbating is bad for gains. But it is, it’s bad for gains, it’s bad for gains. I haven’t done it in a month, and I will go as long as humanly possible. It’s not that hard to quit, you just have to focus, and get past the first week, after that first week it gets much much easier. Also the less you masturbate the less you like it.

I suppose masturbation and sex (or more specifically ejaculation) are equivalent. How would you expect those with partners to stop sex in order to PE?

My suggested routine: I wouldnt take your money even if you insisted.

Overhand dry jelq with a cockring on, use a time limit, jelq no more than 15 minutes a day, 2 days on one off. Stop masturbating all together.

As far as sex, when I have sex with my wife I take the next day off. It just works out that we have sex about every third day, go figure. By the way sex is 100 times better without masturbating.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

hang for 1 to 2 hours/day followed by a couple of 10 minute sets of LOW pressure pumping.

Originally Posted by Majortom75

I think you’d be hard pressed to find any members here who would accept your money. That’s what’s so great about Thunder’s. If I suggested something that worked for you, your success would be payment enough. Having said that, I think a donation to Thunder’s would be an excellent display of your appreciation and would certainly allow this great community and resource to continue to help and support to those that come after us.

You seem to have the dedication to make good progress. As for any specific suggestion, you might want to take a look at the quality of your exercises rather than the composition of your routine. Obviously I can’t make a blanket statement saying you aren’t doing it right because I just don’t know. Besides, that might not be the problem at all.

For my part, I was able to make decent gains with just manual exercises, but I stopped after a few months and lost a third of my gains. What I lacked in determination I made up for with just plain dumb luck. Now I’m back and I’ve added hanging to my routine. I’m hoping I’ll be able to stick it out and reach my goals, and even though you haven’t gained, you’re story is still inspiring.

I would definitely give hanging a try as well as increasing the time that you jelq to something closer to 15-20 minutes. When I made my most dramatic gains I was doing 20-30 minutes of wet jelqs in the morning before work and another 20-30 minutes in the evening with a few 1 minute stretches thrown in. I was also doing kegels during my 25 minute commute to work. I didn’t experience any adverse effects to my erections unless you consider getting rock hard at random times during the day as if I was a 13 year old as an adverse effect.

Please keep us up to date on your progress and best of luck to you!

Thanks for your response, Majortom75.

Hanging is definitely one of the options I’m going to consider.

Can you explain in more detail your routine when you had the “most dramatic gains.” What erection percentage were you jelqing at? Did you warm up and warm down, or did you just jelq in the shower? Did you stretch before, during or after you jelqed?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by Pud
I have come up with a formula that should clear up this whole PE dilemma.


In plain English Erection strength equals the potential of expansion of mass.

Now I’m partly joking and partly serious, I believe you have to increase your erection strength to increase the size of your erections. Of course that seems ridiculously obvious, but at the same time people give PE advice with seemingly no concern about erection strength. Where as when I give PE advice the first thing I want to know is how much do you masturbate, and how strong are your erections.

I’ve noticed no gainers and hard gainers usually have a few things in common. They usually masturbate way to often, they have weak erections , or they’ll have massive routines that last over an hour a night. The first thing PE should fix is ED. If you don’t fix ED there is little hope you will get bigger erections.

I put myself in the hard gainers category, but I think I’ve realized my mistakes and I’m seeing real progress. I over trained, and masturbated, which gave me weak erections little recovery time and only small gains. I’ve since cut back my routine to 12 minutes of jelqing in the morning and 10 minutes manual stretching. Two days on one off, I do no more than this and this is plenty, I’ve been doing PE for many years, there cant possibly be a more conditioned penis than mine. If cock fights were legal I’d be the welterweight champion of the world!

I know no one wants to hear that masturbating is bad for gains. But it is, it’s bad for gains, it’s bad for gains. I haven’t done it in a month, and I will go as long as humanly possible. It’s not that hard to quit, you just have to focus, and get past the first week, after that first week it gets much much easier. Also the less you masturbate the less you like it. Stop for a month, that’s my challenge to you hard gainers, improve your erections strength, it will improve your PE workouts with more intense sessions. Which will help you with gains over time.

Put it this way, I can do an entire 12 minute dry jelq session with no porn no jacking off of any kind only mild slapping all the while maintaining the perfect erection for optimal expansion the entire time. I couldn’t do that when I masturbated two or three nights a week. I think it’s important to get an intense workout, and then leave the thing alone, let it rest, don’t go on for hours jerking off and squeezing the hell out of it all day long. You’ll just weaken your next session, you need to heal so the next morning you’ll have a strong erection ready for expansion, and not turtled up and sore to the touch.

Weak erections definitely hamper your ability for expansion and growth. And if you have weak erections you need to figure out why.

This is the guy that I would give the money to! Or, maybe get him a present of choice (if you decide to go this way). I am following Pud’s very simple plan and it makes total sense. Of course, I prefer wet jelqing while taking a hot shower instead of dry jelqing. But, to each their own :)

Don’t complicate things more than they need to be, right??

Also, like Pud said (my opinion, also)…. weak erections = you need to heal or you are overtraining!!!

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
Quick, you’ve been at this a long time, and it would appear without much sucess :(

What I am going to suggest is that you continue with the jelqs and stretches, you add hanging to your routine, as well as Uil’s, and Horse squeezes for girth. Also add Fowlers to the mixture. Think of this as a dick cocktail. Do not overtrain, which will cause a weakening in erection strength. Listen to the body it will let you know in no uncertain terms if you are doing to much, or not enough.

The why, it appears to me that you have some super stubborn ligs, and to get length you need to create micro tears in order to gain those precious inches (girth too for that fact). Warm up is important as it makes the ligs and other tissue structures more accepting to the stresses placed on them and they give a little easier. If you have one, or are inclined to make one, an ADS might be your answer. Low load over a long period of time will help with the length (at least it does with regular muscles and I know the penis isn’t one, but there is a fine layer of muscle covering it).

While this isn’t going to be much help, what will work for one member here isn’t going to for another. Find what is best for you and be persistant and dedicated. Some guys gain quick, others like yourself don’t. Rest when necessary, and then go back at it. I don’t know that much about the “shock” routine the guys talk about, maybe one of them will elaborate.

Oh and one more piece of advice from someone who doesnt have a dick, you have your ultimate goal of 7x5, take that goal and put it in smaller increments so it doesn’t seem out of reach. Like I want to gain .25 in length and girth in the next two months, then go for another .25 and so on. That way you are more likely to feel successful and before you know it, you will be at your ultimate goal. Remember, baby steps.

It seems that a lot of people are suggesting hanging. But I think adding horses, Ulis AND hanging would be a bit much.

I’m not keen on the ADS. During Mem’s routine, I was stretching for 20 mins twice a day. My erection quality worsened severely. Then, I tried just doing bathroom stretches - stretching in each direction for 30 seconds after I took a piss. Even the sporadic bathroom stretches affected my erection strength.

If I do decide to hang, I think it would only be for short sets and low weight. I think I remember reading some recent posts of people advocating to hang with low weight for longer times instead of increaseing the weight. Then, when I adapt, to take a decon break and continue with the low weight (3 lbs max) instead of increasing the weight.

I hear what you’re saying re: the baby steps. If I get a 0.25” gain, I will remain skeptical. A 0.5” gain will make me a believer.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

I would give hanging a go.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by Pud
I have come up with a formula that should clear up this whole PE dilemma.


In plain English Erection strength equals the potential of expansion of mass.

Now I’m partly joking and partly serious, I believe you have to increase your erection strength to increase the size of your erections. Of course that seems ridiculously obvious, but at the same time people give PE advice with seemingly no concern about erection strength. Where as when I give PE advice the first thing I want to know is how much do you masturbate, and how strong are your erections.

I’ve noticed no gainers and hard gainers usually have a few things in common. They usually masturbate way to often, they have weak erections , or they’ll have massive routines that last over an hour a night. The first thing PE should fix is ED. If you don’t fix ED there is little hope you will get bigger erections.

I put myself in the hard gainers category, but I think I’ve realized my mistakes and I’m seeing real progress. I over trained, and masturbated, which gave me weak erections little recovery time and only small gains. I’ve since cut back my routine to 12 minutes of jelqing in the morning and 10 minutes manual stretching. Two days on one off, I do no more than this and this is plenty, I’ve been doing PE for many years, there cant possibly be a more conditioned penis than mine. If cock fights were legal I’d be the welterweight champion of the world!

I know no one wants to hear that masturbating is bad for gains. But it is, it’s bad for gains, it’s bad for gains. I haven’t done it in a month, and I will go as long as humanly possible. It’s not that hard to quit, you just have to focus, and get past the first week, after that first week it gets much much easier. Also the less you masturbate the less you like it. Stop for a month, that’s my challenge to you hard gainers, improve your erections strength, it will improve your PE workouts with more intense sessions. Which will help you with gains over time.

Put it this way, I can do an entire 12 minute dry jelq session with no porn no jacking off of any kind only mild slapping all the while maintaining the perfect erection for optimal expansion the entire time. I couldn’t do that when I masturbated two or three nights a week. I think it’s important to get an intense workout, and then leave the thing alone, let it rest, don’t go on for hours jerking off and squeezing the hell out of it all day long. You’ll just weaken your next session, you need to heal so the next morning you’ll have a strong erection ready for expansion, and not turtled up and sore to the touch.

Weak erections definitely hamper your ability for expansion and growth. And if you have weak erections you need to figure out why.

Wow. Now this post got me thinking.

I TOTALLY agree with you when you on erection quality, overtraining and masturbating. You’re right: when most people are on the road to gains, they experience superb erection quality and those always-desired spontaneous erections.

In my experience, my erection quality hasn’t really improved at all. I know there is a lot of debate on whether masturbation (or ejacuation) affects gains. I tried to limit the number of times I masturbated in a week just to be sure. I usually masturbate about 2 or 3 times MAX per week. I don’t think that’s too much - I think it’s pretty average actually (who knows…). But giving up on masturbation completely!??! I mean, isn’t that not healthy for the prostate and the “pipes” in general?

I’ve tried giving up masturbation before in the past and for some reason it decreased my libido. I’m scared to do it again, but if need be, then I will.

In the past month or so, while I have been doing a 1 on/1 off routine of just jelqing, I have noticed more nocturnal erections. Also, the morning wood is a lot stronger than it usually is. I haven’t got any spontaneous erections, but I have to say that my erection quality has gone up slightly.

Pud, how long has it been since you last masturbated? How much gains can you attribute to this routine? Also, can you give me a specific routine to follow (if I choose), including when (morning, night) and how (wet, dry and what erection percentage) to jelq, when and how to stretch, should I warm up, down, etc.? Basically, all the details.

Pud, you really got me thinking. I’ve been re-reading and re-reading sparkyx’s PI threads and I think this all ties in. Thanks for your post. I look forward to your reply.

EDIT: Didn’t see that you posted a sample routine. Can you provide a bit more details? Like, what erection percentage, should I warm up and down? Also, it seems that you ejaculate every day off. So, you basically jelq for two days and ejaculate on your rest day, then repeat. Right?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by UpgradingUnit
hang for 1 to 2 hours/day followed by a couple of 10 minute sets of LOW pressure pumping.

I’ve never considered pumping. I”m definitely going to read up on it though.

I know I clamped in the past, but it was only because I knew I would have a few months worth of privacy to do so. I consider clamping and pumping “extreme” PE and want to try some more “natural” methods first.

I don’t really consider hanging to be extreme because if I do go down that road, it will be with a very low weight and for short durations. Plus, hanging is basically like stretching, but with using and aparatus instead of your hands.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

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