I’m back. And changing my routine….AGAIN!
Since Christmas, I’ve experimented with clamping, cock ring clamping, dry jelqing and pumping. None of it gave me any gains. Sure there was always the temporary pump I got after clamping or when edging with a cockring on, but nothing was ever permanent.
I decided to go back to the drawing board. I needed a clean slate. I’ve been reading a lot of posts by xenolith, Shiver, MX, sparkyx, remek and a few others. The more and more I read, the more the idea of deconditioning breaks and strategic PE make sense. Basically, IPR. So, that’s what I’ve decided to do (but with a few added twists).
First, I’ve been reading a lot about heat in PE. If I could go back to the start of my PE career in March 2005, the one thing that I’ve constantly done half-assed was the warm up. I never really could get the wash cloth that hot and when I did, it never last long. 5 or 6 months ago I started warming up with a rice sock. It provided awesome dry heat that lasted a LOT longer than the washcloth ever could. Only problem is that the temperature you want it to stay at doesn’t last longer than 3-5 minutes and you would be forced to put it back into the microwave. During this PE cycle, I’m going to try out IR heat for the first time. I’m going to be warming up with a 150 watt IR bulb for about 15 minutes. I may even try experimenting with having the IR light on while I do my PE routine as well, but won’t have the light as close as when warming up. I was amazed to read all the benefits that not only heat could provide, but specifically the benefits of IR heat.
Second, I’ve also become a proponent of the theory that ejaculation affects gains. I know there is a lot of controversy around this topic, but for me personally, I believe that it does NOT affect gains, but rather the RATE of gains. I think that if one drastically reduces the amount of ejaculation during their PE cycle, the rate of gains will be a lot better. People may ask what evidence I have to support this - but I have none. So, believe what you want, but this is what I believe.
Third, I’ve been reading a lot about ADS and static stretching and how these methods are proving to be excellent ways to not only gain, but cement the gains as well. I’m going to be increasing my ADS time during this IPR cycle. I have a vacu-extender and plan on wearing it around my waist.
Fourth, I’ve also been reading a lot about supplements. I’ve tried Penis Pills in the past, but they didn’t work. I tried taking zinc, ZMA and L-Arginine and these supplements DID work for me. They helped increase cum load, but did not provided any gains. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot about Tongkat Ali. Aside from Viagara and Cialis, this seems to be the next best thing (in terms of natural supplements). It is boasted to increase testoterone production, increase libido, cum load and also help with muscle growth for bodybuilders. I’ve already ordered a 2 month cycle of TA and plan on supplementing with it during this IPR cycle.
This is what I did my last IPR routine: Warm up with rice sock for 10 mins, vacu hanged for 50 (increase 5 mins each PE workout) with 3 lbs followed by 100 wet jelqs and vacu ADSed for 4 hours. I did this 1 on/2 off for a total of 6 PE sessions, then ADSed for 2 weeks.
This time around, I don’t have as much privacy to hang, so I’m going to substitute it with a stretching. I was surprised and encouraged to see in a recent poll that stretching actually provided better length gains than hanging, almost in a 2:1 ratio. I am also going to be switching to jelqing first, and THEN stretching. I personally find that I get a WAY better stretch when I jelq first. If I stretch first, it’s almost impossible for me to get erect enough to have a decent jelq session.
I am currently on a decon break of 45 days. I plan on resuming PE on April 27. I will then ADS for about 3 weeks after my 18 day I-Phase. My next decon period will be 2 months.
Warm up (IR Lamp) for 15-20 minutes
Wet Jelqs 50 55 60 65 70 75
SU 1 1 1 1 1 1
L 1 1 1 1 1 1
R 1 1 1 1 1 1
D/D 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5
Ro 1 1 1 1 1 1
InV 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5
Stretches: SU (Straight Up), L (Left), R (Right), D/D (Dual/Double Fulcrum), Ro (Rotary Stretch), InV (Inverted V-Stretch). Jelqs are the actual number of jelqs. Stretch numbers are the stretch times in minutes.
Let’s get to 7” in 2007!!!
(Any questions/comments/suggestions are ALWAYS appreciated).