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Infrared (IR) Heat


Infrared (IR) Heat

Hey everyone.

I’ve currently on a decon and have been reading a lot about the benefits of Infrared heat for warm up sessions. I’ve put a lot of effort into PE routines over the 2 years that I’ve been tuggin’ at my unit, but in all honesty, the one thing I have always done half-assed was the warm up. I was amazed to see how beneficial a good warm up can be for gains, especially with infrared heat.

I"m trying to get an infrared heat setup ready when I start PEing again. I’ve been to Home Depot and Walmart, but can’t find any actual lamps (with ceramic sockets) that support IR bulbs. So, I have to resort to the internet to get one. So far, I’ve found this one: http://www.infr … .com/lf-150.htm

For those who have been warming up using infrared heat or know anything about it:

1) Is this the correct lamp to get?
2) This lamp only supports 150 watts. Is this too little, or will it suffice?
3) Please feel free to share your experiences with IR in relation to PE.

Thanks again…

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

I had found mine in walmart in the lighting section. Mine supports up to 250 watts and the heat is blazing. I’d try to find one at walmart again and try asking a clerk for help finding it.

As for that lamp I have no clue but IR is one of my favorite things now. I used to warm-up for 5 to 10 minutes and then start P.E. but now I slowly begin my routine while the light heats me up. Both hands are free so the stretches can get intense. I noticed a heavier hang and more vascularity. It really is a good tool.

Short-Term Goal: 10.25" BPEL

"Take it Slow and Watch it Grow"

Long-Term Goal: To Be Decided

Yoyototo: Do you have a link or product #? The service people at my Walmart are half-retarded. I really want to get one that is portable so I can put it away when not needed and also supports 250 watts.

Would 150 watts suffice, or should I get 250 watts?

Whenever I don’t gain on a PE cycle, I always find something new to try that gets me really excited and motivated to start again. This time its IR heat. I’m starting to realize that the one thing that is in common with all good gainers is that they performed a good/decent warm up. And if IR heat is considered one of the best warmups, then why not give it a try?

Hopefully more people can chime in on IR heat.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

I just did a search and couldn’t find it.
As for 150 or 250 I have no idea. I’m sure in the end it all works about the same it’s just that you may have to get closer with a lower wattage.

Here’s a thread where some talk about the difference between 125-150 watts.
Infrared Heat For warming Anaconda Jr. 125vs150

My only tip for walmart is to go to the lighting section and slowly look at each lamp.
Just make sure it has a ceramic socket because people here warned about disastrous damage.

Try printing out a picture of that clamp lamp and going to walmart on the hunt :)

Short-Term Goal: 10.25" BPEL

"Take it Slow and Watch it Grow"

Long-Term Goal: To Be Decided

It’s really a matter of choice Q4. With a 150W lamp you will get sufficient heat, but it would need to be nearer your pube area for the same heat as a 250W. A 250W would perhaps be better as you get more room to manoeuver in whatever you are doing. I would guess that heat from above would be better as you don’t want too much around your balls. and an aluminium plate underneath can reflect some heat back. I’ve only ever used 150W bulbs and have burnt myself with them being too near. (When I moved them)

So I can’t recommend one or the other but hope the info will help you make a decision.

If you really want 250W but only 150W are available then wire two up (in parallel) and get 300W But it will be bright.

Just as an aside.

Bearing in mind the production of heat rays is required rather more than the Heat+light which you get. Would two 250W bulbs wired in series, produce more infra-red, which would penetrate the skin and flesh, rather than wasting the power on light, which would only heat the skin,- and slightly below.

Any expert opinions?

Just make sure the lamp itself is rated for the wattage you use or, as an electrician pointed out in a different thread, you might have the bulb fall out, set your carpet on fire and since you are out of the room for a short break the entire house goes up in smoke. Then the insurance people sift through the ashes, find the source of the fire is a lamp not rated for the bulb and you get nothing on your insurance.

That and cover your balls. Long term exposure to excessive heating is unknown. We don’t know if it causes sterility, diminished testosterone production or makes no difference at all.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Is it specifically coated to screen out most of the other wavelengths an provide only a narrow IR band ? I’m just curious. If one would buy just a bulb, the bulbs are not made to screen out other wavelengths, so you would end up with lots of uv as well => skin cancer.

150w would burn like hell you don’t need 250 w, depends on the distance and the focusing.

link about light penetration:

So as you decrease the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation (in this case light), the energy of the photon increases. (IR has less energy than visible light, and less energy than UV). IR should penetrate less then other light, but also depends on the absorption of the material, which makes things more complicated.

Glass, regular glass stops most of the uv emission. If one uses high power sources with no coating for IR, one should also use glass to protect against UV. Glass doesn’t stop IR light.

In the UK, I think the most common uses of IR lamps are for: keeping food warm in canteens, keeping livestock warm, keeping new born babies warm in maternity wards, and warming joints and other tissues to promote blood flow - sometimes used in conjunction with massage. Probably incubating eggs as well. Some of these suggest it is a safe source of heat. (As long as you don’t stare at it or use it for more than maximum 30 minutes, or get too close to it!.)

My lamp is 150 watts and is perfect for me.

Have you made any gains quik? You’re dick has got to be the most stubborn on the board, I’d be happy to hear you’ve gained something.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Potential danger

The label I find on IR lamps states that they are also a source of UV, and to limit exposure to “not more than 20~30 minutes.” I would bet that this dosage is assuming that people aren’t using them most days, multiple times a day. Remember, UV damage is … cumulative. So while the glass and the coating may filter out most of the UV, it is still an issue on some level, and as we know from medical concerns about tanning salons that UV is to be avoided. Increased UV increases the risk of skin cancer. Ok, maybe it is a remote possibility, but what a bummer to get skin cancer … especially on your dick.

Standard light bulbs are only about 6% efficient. That means that 94% of the energy is radiated as heat. Why not just use a 100 W bulb with a good reflector behind it, and you’d still be getting 90W of heat _with no UV_. Or use a 150W bulb and get 135 W of heat. That’s what I do, and it’s plenty hot enough.

I confess I’m tempted to try the IR lamps as folks seem to like them, but 20~30 minutes maximum exposure, isn’t that kind of limiting? I like the heat right through my warm-up, hang, and post heat.



Nov 2006 bpel: 7.88 eg: 5.19

Mar 2007 bpel: 8.25 eg 5.38

Shooting for 9 x 6 Ddog.

Originally Posted by ddogusterion

Standard light bulbs are only about 6% efficient. That means that 94% of the energy is radiated as heat. Why not just use a 100 W bulb with a good reflector behind it, and you’d still be getting 90W of heat _with no UV_. Or use a 150W bulb and get 135 W of heat. That’s what I do, and it’s plenty hot enough.

Halogen lamps don’t emit UV, regular bulbs DO.

Rephrasing: Glass stops UV light that is dangerous for your body. Not all the UV spectrum is considered deadly for your skin.

I’m sure I’m not helping quik4life with my posts, so I’ll stop my rambling about light.


a couple of words of caution when using infrared heat.

1. Never position the lamp closer than 20” of the target. In our case, the ligs above the shaft. If it gets too hot, pause and drink some water.

2. Never use a IR heating lamp, the red ones, for more than 20 mins. Not good for you.
Do your stretching in that time frame, jelqing or girth exercises.

A 150 W bulb is plenty of deep tissue heat. 250 W is what I consider optimal, but if you’re just starting out, use the 150.

The socket…hmmm…check the label. If it’s made out of high temperature resistant plastic and support bulbs up to 250, go for it. A ceramic socket is always the safest and probably best choice, though.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

I asked in a store, and they read on the box “OK for piglets” or something like that. So my guess is that those that are OK for babies or livestock aren’t emitting a terrible amount of UV.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by FoxMarrine
Halogen lamps don’t emit UV, regular bulbs DO.

Rephrasing: Glass stops UV light that is dangerous for your body. Not all the UV spectrum is considered deadly for your skin.

I’m sure I’m not helping quik4life with my posts, so I’ll stop my rambling about light.

Actually Fox… it’s the reverse: halogen lamps DO emit UV, and regular bulbs don’t. That’s why halogen desk lamps have a glass filter between you and the actual bulb, and why regular desk lamps don’t need this. For example, the halogen lamp on the desk in front of me has a glass filter blocking access to the actual bulb. The glass filter is about 1/8” thick and reads “UV Filter - 001”.


Nov 2006 bpel: 7.88 eg: 5.19

Mar 2007 bpel: 8.25 eg 5.38

Shooting for 9 x 6 Ddog.

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