Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Infrared (IR) Heat

Thanks for everyone’s reply.

I have yet to go back to Walmart to get a second look to see if I could find a portable lamp with a ceramic socket that supports IR heat lights. Worst comes to worst, I’ll just order one online from here: http://www.infr … .com/lf-150.htm Does the lamp from this site look safe and sturdy?

Uncut4Big: If I’m using a 150 W IR lamp, in your opinion, how close to the lamp should I be? 20 inches? And, why should I not use the red IR bulbs for more than 20 minutes at a time? I plan to use IR only for my warmup, so I don’t see myself using it for more than 20 minutes anyway, but I’m just curious as to why…

kazooplayer: I hate my dick. I truly do. If I put as much thought and energy into some other aspect of my life, I’m sure that part of life would have been well developed - be it financially, physically (ie., weight training), etc. I also hate being told that I can’t do something, and right now my dick is telling me that I can’t make it grow. I really want to prove to myself that with enough hardwork and dedication that anything is possible, my Q4L Jr. is definitely giving me a run for my money.

For my next stab at getting gains, I’m going back to an IPR based routine. I’m going to be doing a stretching routine 1 on/2 off and do some vacu ADSing around my waist. I don’t want to leave anything to chance, which is why I want to make sure that I don’t anything half-assed. My warm up has always been half-assed, hence my new infatuation with IR.

Let’s get to 7" in 2007!

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Try having a look on 3Bay Q$ If nothing else you will see several varieties, from lmps only to the complete table stand.

It is tru that the normal incandescent lamp emits light and IF . Normally all they do is to paint the flat side red - more to reduce the light than anything else

Glass stops or almost completely limits UV. You can sit behind a window all day in the sunshine and you won’t get a tan.


when the subject first came up, someone here suggested that IR could harm your sperm count if used for too long over an extended period of time. So try not to focus the IR directly on your nutsac or at least, shield it. Other than that, worked great for me.

20mins max.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

I’ll tell what happened to me

I have a 100W IR lamp, that I used to use 30 minutes daily for 1 month in a distance of 10” of my dick(for longer distances, I don’t feel it’s heating). In this time, my sack got really small and I hadn’t any lenght gains. so, wtf?


most IR heating lamp instructions will tell you that the suggested distance is roughly 20”. Or try a more powerful lamp, but keep the 20” distance.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

I”ve looked on eBay but a lot of the lamps/setups they offer are too big. I”m looking for something portable. Privacy is still an issue for me. I can’t have a huge setup.

I’ll definitely cover up my scrotum with something - a sock, a board, something… But they way I plan warm up with IR lamp should solve this problem for me anyway. I’m going to sit on a chair and have the light hanging from above. I”ll sit on the edge of the chair with my nutsac hanging off the chair. Then, I”ll put a wood board (or some sort of divider) on my lamp and then put my dick on top. Voila! My nuts will be completely away from the IR heat.

unesp: Did you cover up your balls when you warmed up with IR? Has anyone else had their balls shrink due to overexposure of IR heat?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

The IR will penetrate some 20 mm at least, or more than half the diameter of most testicles. It’s safe to assume that the entire testicle will be heated the same as the rest of the tissue, since there is no heavy blood flow to transport away heat.

The testicles hang where they do to allow exact temperature regulation. If this is not done, sperm production is harmed. Sperm production cycles are long, 30 or 90 days or whatever it was (TrueTemper and I discussed this a year ago in a thread around here) so if you heat up like that, it’s a safe bet your sperm count won’t be optimal for some time to come.

But there are no (known to me at least) long term studies on repeated heating of the testes and sterility or testosterone production. But I think it is exceedingly stupid to make any bets that it won’t be a problem. Be smart and cover your nuts with cotton (boxer shorts, sock).

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I was a bit surprised that there are no portable type lamps on e-bay. In the UK edition there are a number of offers of items not much bigger than the lamp itself. Ie the lamp a base and a covering of the lamp.

The are mainly Philips lamps so a search on Philips might yield results of where they are to be found in the market place,

I tried a Google search on Philips Infra Red lamps, but I had a load of English suppliers. But to show what I am thinking about try the link

Mashco Home page | Mashco

And check what they have there. It will give you some idea of what I’m burbling about.

Originally Posted by petitfaun
I tried a Google search on Philips Infra Red lamps, but I had a load of English suppliers. But to show what I am thinking about try the link

Mashco Home page | Mashco

And check what they have there. It will give you some idea of what I’m burbling about.

This one looks perfect!

But the company doesn’t ship to Canada.

This one looks cool, but they don’t state the wattage.
http://cgi.ebay .ca/PHILIPS-INF … emZ150100784602

Here’s another good one, but I’m concerned about the wattage. I’ll probably have to buy both since they’re only 100 watts. And the other thing that concerns me is if it will work in North American electrical sockets, or if they’re only designed for the UK/European sockets.

I’m going back to Home Depot and Walmart to get a second look. Hopefully I can find something good that is local. I don’t mind buying something off eBay or online in general, I just want to make sure that 1) it will work in my electrical socket and 2) it will be hot enough.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Well, I went to Walmart, Home Depot and a few other hardware/lighting type of stores but had no luck. I was REALLY disappointed. It’s not big deal though, I buy stuff online all the time anyway.

But as I started to search the web, I got even more confused as to what I should buy. First off, I want something that is at least 150 watts (250 watts would be ideal). Secondly, I want something that is portable. Thirdly, I want something that is small, so that when I’m not using it, I can hide it away somewhere in the bottom of my closet.

The reason I say I even more confused is because I found something called Ceramic Infrared Heat Emitters. These things give off infrared heat, but emit no light. They’re used to keep repiles and other such pets warm. I’m beginning to wonder if this is they way to go. Only thing is, I don’t know which setup to use! I confused as to which lamp/reflector is compatible with which infrared/ceramic bulb.

Here’s a couple links:

http://www.amaz … /dp/B0002AQCQO/

If someone knows about or owns one of these ceramic infrared heat emitters (CIHE), I’d love to hear your advice/opinions on which one to get.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Search for Shiver’s posts about diods and shit. “Heat in PE” contains some of that, plus threads about him rebuilding them to fit his pump cylinder.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

They won’t ship from UK to across the pond because the voltage is different, and the electical sockets are different I put it in to give you an idea of what to look for, So do a Google search for Infraphil, which is Philips trade name for IR lamps of that type and you may be lucky and have a dealer in your part of the country who can ship to you, and of course you will get it in U.S. form and prices.

Now: as regards the privacy thing. You can say that you have damaged your knees and need the heat treatment to get them better.

This gives you the chance to stay in the bathroom with your pants off and just have jockey shorts on which will protect your balls, and give you the chance to do the necessary. Then if someone starts opening the door you can quickly pull the shorts over you dick and put on a warming my knees look .

How you deal with it stiff? I’m afraid you are on your own there.

PS. Don’t forget to stop up the keyhole!

Here’s a couple links:

http://www.amaz … /dp/B0002AQCQO/

If someone knows about or owns one of these ceramic infrared heat emitters (CIHE), I’d love to hear your advice/opinions on which one to get.
Regarding these , they are simply a form of electric fire which is a coil of wire inside a ceramic jacket. (The same sort of thing is used in Microwave ovens that have a grill). They may glow red as in an electric fire, but I have no knowledge. The name given is Repticare so you can do a google search for that, and on their site they have 3 types going up to 150 watt. But they are screw in bulbs which willl require a screwed socket, which is not too usual. And you would probably have to buy a socket and wire it in yourself. Or; buy a plug that goes into a light socket, a length of flex (a couple of feet depending how low you want the bulb), and the screw socket . Wire the plug and socket on the wire and then screw the lamp in the socket. and the plug would go in the light socket. It would hang from the ceiling OK. But only do that if you are electrical knowledged. (the shop you buy them from might make it up for you)

Although I have to say Light socket plugs are a bit rare nowadays.
But it may be srewed sockets are used more in the states than in the UK.

Or finally. One of those adjustable long armed table lamps might be found which have a screwed socket, which would be ideal - providing it can take the weight of the lamp.

Hope there’s something there that helps.


Well, I don’t think I’m going to be going with the CIHE. I’m just going to stick with the good ‘ole infrared heat bulb.

Only problem is I don’t know which lamp to get. I found this reptile site that seems to have an awesome variety to choose from. If someone could recommend one that they think is good, it would appreciated. As already mentioned, I have no clue as to which one to get. I just want one that I know will be compatible with a 250 watt Infrared bulb and looks like it will last and not fall apart.

Here’s the site:
http://lllrepti … light-fixtures/

Here’s the one that I’m thinking of getting:
http://lllrepti … h-ceramic-lamp/

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~


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