Thunder's Place

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Is ERECTION angle related to LOT

Is ERECTION angle related to LOT

Hi. I’m sorry to repeat this question in every single thread I start. But it doesn’t seem to be answered, so I decided to dedicate a full thread for it, hope you don’t mind.

The “problem” is: I always get hard erections at very high angles, almost pointing my chin. But, when it comes to measuring my LOT, it seems that there is not much visible tugback at low angles, very low (6- 6:30 HS). Is there something wrong with this? Is my LOT really 6:30 and I should concentrate on higher stretching for tunica? Is there no hope for my ligaments?

Thank you very much,

My lot is around 6:30-7:00 and my erection angle is 9:30.

I would stretch the higher angles (above your lot) just to make sure.

Good luck.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

As far as I understood the lot theory, when you see not tugback at low angles, this is NOT your LOT.
You have to determine the angle where you lose your tugback.
So start at 12(pointing to your chin) and go down.
I think that lot and erection angle are related(but don’t know for sure)
So test your lot again, and explain how you do it.
My lot is about 9, erection angle was on 11 now on 10:30.

Other question: at which angle(for me) do I have to stretch for most effective tunica-stretch?
9 or above? Isn’t the inverted v stretch very good for stretching the tunica?

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel

Thanks for the advice. But still I’m in doubt. Because you see, for example, your LOT is low too, but your erection is not that high, mine is almost 11:30 sometimes, or more if possible.

Even so.. No chance for my ligaments? Please help!


Did: I stretch my penis, and perform a Kegel at every half an hour. I see the glans tugging back. At some point (6:30 HS) the tugging back occurs, but it is poorly noticeable (visually I mean). The distance or force I feel from the tugging back is not equal at every hour though. But it becomes more evident at very low ones. Then the anatomy of my penis when erect is somewhat disturbing or rare: It would be like the inner penis points down, and my erect penis right up, so the total shape would be like an you-letter (Thunders seems to correct the letter into “you”) or “V”? How can I take advantage of it, if any?

Originally Posted by syd
The “problem” is: I always get hard erections at very high angles, almost pointing my chin. But, when it comes to measuring my LOT, it seems that there is not much visible tugback at low angles, very low (6- 6:30 HS). Is there something wrong with this? Is my LOT really 6:30 and I should concentrate on higher stretching for tunica? Is there no hope for my ligaments?

Thank you very much,

This does not sound at all inconsistent. A very high erection angle usually means very tight ligaments, since the ligs are what holds the penis against the pubic bone and hence at an upward angle. You might also have an upward curve contributing to the effect.

This is generally considered a very good sign and a predictor of fast, easy gains. Downward stretching (at an angle where tugback is lost) will loosen the ligs, and will likely express more of your “inner penis.”

I’ve sworn to myself I wouldn’t make any more statements about LOT until I’ve studied the simulation on the home page (posted by some guy named ModestoMan). The focus there has been to construct an accurate model, rather than to think about what it means. That will come later. But be my guest and try it out. Make the ligs tight (short) to simulate your high erection angle. Then check for LOT by seeing at what angle tugback falls off. Try to adjust the settings so that the model resembles what you see in the mirror when you test for LOT. Submit some feedback and let me know how it turned out. :)

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Thanks ModestoMan!

That was encouraging.. I thought low LOT meant slow progress. Yes, it seems short ligaments cause my high erections, and I DO have an upwards curve. I’ll check the simulator and I’ll come back if any doubts.

Thanks again,


Originally Posted by syd
it seems that there is not much visible tugback at low angles, very low (6- 6:30 HS).

Are you sure you are measuring your LOT correctly?
I mean if your LOT was 9 you wouldn’t be seeing any tugback at low angles anyway.
Maybe you should describe how you measure your LOT and see if we can pick a fault with your methods.

Originally Posted by syd
Is there something wrong with this? Is my LOT really 6:30 and I should concentrate on higher stretching for tunica? Is there no hope for my ligaments?

Thank you very much,

I wouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet.
Bib has always said that LOT and erection angle are independent of each other and either could change without affecting the other.

Thanks Andrew. Still puzzled though


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