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Is hanging and clamping necessary

Is hanging and clamping necessary

As a noob I do the stretching and jelqing suggested on the site. There aren’t any more gains and things seemed to have peaked out. Is it necessary to start hanging and clamping in order to take the next step? I would prefer to just continue doing things with my hands because there is more control over what is being done. Has anybody seen continual and significant improvement with just using stretches and jelqs? Please include stats, time span and exercises done when describing gains. It would be very helpful to my decision to hang/clamp. ;)

Jelqing gave me gains in the beginning but only after I started hanging and clamping I’ve seen gains.

8 nbp| x |5.8"

Stats|:mwink: |Pics!

I can't stand Diet Coke. Does anyone know where I can see pics of a girl with a regular Coke can up her ass? - Chad66 (:

It’s not necessary for me of which I am extremely thankful. I won’t ever hang or clamp - it’s taking this thing to an obsessive extreme in my humble opinion. Perhaps I’ll change my mind in the future? *shrugs* I’d stick to manual exercises for a year at least.

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I too have only been doing manual for a couple of months, but eventhough I definately notice gains, I don’t know if if still improving or not because I havent measured myself.

But I defiately want to take the next step. I want to reach my goal of 1.5 inch increase.

Hey Beasty and MJfan, you guys say that manual has been working out pretty well. What are your routines, the intensity level and how many times a week do you PE? Also how long have you been PEing and what are the gains? I’m glad to hear that manual is working for you, please give me some more details about what you guys are doing! :)

Very casual routine nowadays. Pretty much every morning, sometimes one or two days off depending on how I feel. It goes like this:

1. 5 to 10 minutes warm-up.
2. 5 to 20 minutes jelqing.
3. 5 minutes warm-down (takes off lubricant as added bonus)
4. 5 to 10 minutes stretching (while brushing teeth, listening to music, whatever)
5. 1 to 2 minutes kegels.

Also every time I have showers (usually three times daily) I have a quick 3 to 4 minutes stretch till I get a puffed up look. I also edge daily. Starting stats were 5.5 NBP, 5 EG. Current stats are above 8 NBP and 6.4 EG.

I discovered PE more than a year ago, began with dry-jelqing in the shower. Discovering Thunder’s I began implementing a routine encompassing wet-jelqs, stretches, and warm-ups. Gains were rapid to start, slowed down at one point, and quickened up again over the course of the months. I had a high injury period at that point which forced me to casual-ize my routine. Since then gains have been steady and rapid and due to an intensive warm-up and a laid-back workout injury has vanished altogether.

Once I got to around 7 NBP I stopped caring about gains and chilled, I think this did a lot of good.

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I hope you guys are adding time to how long your PE sessions are, and changing the intensity of your workouts. Just keep going at it until you reach the 3 month mark of being on the newbie routine, many Vets here recommend staying on that for 3 months to ensure your penis is properly conditioned.

Once you get to the three month mark, think about adding other types of manual exercises, or perhaps adding in a cockring (which I found out is allowed during newbie routine, such as placing an cockring on after a jelq session) Once you reach that 3 month period, many vets recommend staying away from clamping if you are someone who is getting off the newbie routine.

Things you could think about using I believe are ADS and pumping. However like anything, research about things before making a decision, as pumping is not for everyone.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Originally Posted by The Beasty One
I discovered PE more than a year ago, began with dry-jelqing in the shower.

How do you dry jelq in the shower? Last time I checked there is running water in the shower.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Maybe he is using an umbrella.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Originally Posted by WetMayo
How do you dry jelq in the shower? Last time I checked there is running water in the shower.

True, but dry-jelqs refer to jelqs without applying lubricant.

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Originally Posted by Peter Dick
Maybe he is using an umbrella.

:rolling: Don’t have one, but thankfully the clothes kept it dry.

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Yeah but water has similar affects, but not the same.

I guess I take words to literally sometimes.

Somehow I can see someone using an umbrella in the shower.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Originally Posted by WetMayo
I guess I take words to literally sometimes.

Lol, you shouldn’t have revealed that, I was under the impression it was just clever wordplay on your behalf. :)

Originally Posted by WetMayo
Somehow I can see someone using an umbrella in the shower.

Shameless advertising.

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