It seems to me you have a dysfunctional approach to PE.
You need to play the long game to get the long gain. But you seem in a great hurry.

Moreover, I don’t see the newbie routine in your post anywhere. Rather, there is everything else.
There is a reason for the newbie routine, because it’s well understood that most PE injuries occur in the first two months. Admittedly, I also started my extender regime simultaneously with the newbie routine, but you have hanging and pumping in there, which are normally off limits for newbies. I’m surprised you have no clamping and Ulis in there.
To answer your question: yes your regime is insane, like others have pointed out.
My advice is to exhaust your newbie gains first using the newbie routine and your extender.
Then once you hit a plateau or your gains are stalling, you can add hanging and pumping which will take you to the next level theoretically.

What you’re doing now is you’re using up all the “tricks” at once. Imagine playing a video game and just using all your attacks all at once. It’s not very resourceful.

You seem very determined in your post so I’m a bit cynical regarding whether you will take any of our advice but I pray you don’t get injured dude.


BP x MEG: 7.0" × 5.0"---> 7.6" x 5.3" (2022-2023)

Next Goal: 8.0" x 5.5" (Next deadline: July 2024).

Extender: 1.1k hours (4/4/2024). Goal: 3k hours.