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Is this normal

Is this normal

Hey guys, I’m new the the community and I’m glad I found somewhere for free to learn about PE instead of having to pay 50 bucks at other websites. I have tried PE before, but never really stuck with it for more than a week; however, this time I plan to go all the way with it. My question is that I have noticed whenever I jelq, at the end of the exercise I have these red spots on the end of the head of my penis. They look like a blood blister only they have no definition to them like a blood blister. The spots are really dark red when I get done, but start to fade within a few hours. Is this normal at all? Am I starting off too hard for a beginner? Any response would be much appreciated, thanks.


Yes, it is normal to get them. They are usually gone in a day. Sometimes it can take more. Taking a break until they disappear is usually a good idea.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

So having those spots is a sign that I am doing the exercise right, correct?

Originally Posted by Cuffdaddy

They look like a blood blister only they have no definition to them like a blood blister.

They’re probably burst capillaries.


Originally Posted by Cuffdaddy
So having those spots is a sign that I am doing the exercise right, correct?

No, too much pressure.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Actually quite a bit has been discussed about this in the past - do a search.

From my own experience I would have to say that it/they are the result of nothing more than friction or indeed to much pressure.

It’s also been noted in several of the other threads on this topic, that certain lubricants also seem to promote the appearance of these red spots as well. The consensus is that, yes the first time you become aware of them you think to yourself; WTF? and you wonder if you have some sort of VD or what not. Not to worry, it’s not VD and they go away quite quickly most of the time. Sometimes in as little as 15 minutes and other times it may take as long as 24 hrs. Warm wrapping also facilitates their disappearance. If I’m not mistaken, most of the threads pertaining to this are in the injuries forum.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

A lot of newbies get these blood spots, but as you get used to the exercises and your cock gets conditioned, you will find that these blood spots occur a lot less.

They are not serious and will disappear after a day or so.

As Sparky said use less pressure.

Red dots may occur on the head and on the shaft of the penis after you start jelqing. This is from small capillaries bursting. These spots will go away in a couple of days. Hot wraps will reduce the likelihood of red spots.

Don’t worry. they will stop appearing when you get more conditioned.

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