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Is Weight lifting and Body Building decreases lenght- PENIS


Is Weight lifting and Body Building decreases lenght- PENIS

I have this misconception (maybe) that said activities may decrease once penis length? I have talked to body builders they don’t admit it do? Of course exercises in gyms is a different one unless your attaining the looks of Schwarzanager , etc.If yes, will PE method in this site will remedy such.I know that girls are attracted to guys with small waist and large chest .Any friendly views or medical opinion regarding this thread? Salamat! (Thank You); What your view here Xlmagnum!

No, body building does not cause any permanent loss in penis size. What does happen on a temporary basis during any type of physical activity, your body directs blood to your muscles where it is needed and this tends to rob the supply to your penis where it is not needed. So right after a heavy weight workout, your muscles are pumped up, and your penis may be shriveled up. But once your body comes back to equilibrium, the blood is distributed more evenly throughout the body, thus restoring your normal flaccid look.

Also your penis may look smaller in comparison if you turn into a giant mountain of muscle.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Rev_dvm is my new favourite individual and a testament to the exactitude in of the line services of translation. I hope strongly that we obtain to people of English speech more not than they sign for above. I am not joking in this one. Rev_dvm is obvious serious on the PE and encounter the diversion of posts of the shocks to read.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
Rev_dvm is my new favourite individual and a testament to the exactitude in of the line services of translation. I hope strongly that we obtain to people of English speech more not than they sign for above. I am not joking in this one. Rev_dvm is obvious serious on the PE and encounter the diversion of posts of the shocks to read.

Easy to say for you. :)

Originally Posted by iamaru
Also your penis may look smaller in comparison if you turn into a giant mountain of muscle.

I always find it humorous to see a porno with a big dude that isn’t that well hung. Although I should be used to it since I have a big build myself and I am not packing that much ;)

I play football and we are all very athletic/muscular build, some are gigantic built and packing a HUGE monster. I am only average but alot of the guys on the team are very big, 8x6 or bigger….. Maybe because there black men or just blessed. Some are average and a relucatant few are smaller than average. But the majority of the fellas are well hung….sigh*

Originally Posted by Jman30
I am only average but alot of the guys on the team are very big, 8x6 or bigger…..

Hell of a foot ball team, you guys sit around and measure each others woodies?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru

Hell of a foot ball team, you guys sit around and measure each others woodies?

Naw man, I just look and compare. Not looking in a homosexual way but just out of curiosity. I see other guys look at me also….Not impressive…..I am just assuming they must be 8x6 or larger.

Originally Posted by sublimefunction
I always find it humorous to see a porno with a big dude that isn’t that well hung. Although I should be used to it since I have a big build myself and I am not packing that much ;)


"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Originally Posted by rev_dvm
I have this misconception (maybe) that said activities may decrease once penis length? I have talked to body builders they don’t admit it do? Of course exercises in gyms is a different one unless your attaining the looks of Schwarzanager , etc.If yes, will PE method in this site will remedy such.I know that girls are attracted to guys with small waist and large chest .Any friendly views or medical opinion regarding this thread? Salamat! (Thank You); What your view here Xlmagnum!

This can be true to some extent, I was a competive bodybuilder in the late 90s as a teen (NPC Pro-Natural) and knew quite a few friends that were doing steroids at the time who admitted to the fact that certain steroids had shrunk their dick. Also, a good friend of my fiance’s who is a trainer had the same thing happen, she said they had sex once back in the day and it sucked really bad, she said he must have only been 4 inches, but then she said one of her friends had sex with him a couple years later after he stopped doing steroids and he seemed to be normal…about 6 inches. So it could be possible this is only a temperoray side-effect, I don’t know. That was one of the biggest reasons I never used them, always afraid of my dick shrinking.

As for just bodybuilding, there is no possible way that it can decrease the size of your penis, rather the opposite. While increasing cardio activity and blood flow in the body, you can actually increase your flacid size and have better erections.

"I am the master of the C.L.I.T." Starting 4/3/05: 6 5/8 BPEL 5 EG (Base) 4 3/8 BPFL 4 FG Current: 7/3/05 7 1/2 BPEL 6 1/2 EG (Base) 5 7/8 BPFL 5 1/4 FG

Bodybuilding will not make your dick smaller.

Using steroids will not make your dick smaller. Your balls will shrink to the size of peanuts because your body will shut down it’s own testosterone production. That’s why bodybuilders wearing their speedos may look like they have small dicks, but in reality it’s only the balls shrinking and not the dick.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

I’m not a bodybuilder but I added about 100 pounds of mass to my frame between the ages of 20 and 40 through weightlifting, with some “chemical assistance”, and it’s had no effect on the size of my penis one way or the other.

Yeah, the testicles can shrink, but they come back with “post cycle therapy”.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Maybe the myth got started by some blaming steroid use for a naturally small or average size dick. Oh, it was huge before the ‘roids. Sure.

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