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jelq before/after stretch???

jelq before/after stretch???

which first fellas?

also, I find it curious that a few people have reported very solid length gain when they do programs of only jelqing. Conceptually, to me, this seems wholly like a girth exercise. What gives? I will do both stretch/jelq, but am curious?

lastly, what can I do to really focus on length. I am starting at 5.5” girth and 5.5” nbp length, and really want to be 8nbp and gain girth of maybe .5-1” girth, but wouldn’t care if I didn’t gain any girth. length is where I’m looking. are dld blasters to intense for a newbie? should I just try the manual 30 sec stretches out/down/up…etc???

thanks so much, hopefully one day I will get some length!!


Memento had some references to which to focus on first, passing them on to you:

solid length gains when they do programs of only jelqing
I have read this too, and it seems contradictory, but I believe it’s possible. Many guys here have had excellent results just jelqing. On the other side, stretching seems to offer better length gains quicker than jelqing alone.

Really focus on length ?
Aside from hanging, which I’ve read very little about, I’d suggest looking here:

5.5” girth is goal for some guys here, consider yourself fortunate.

dld blasters too intense for a newbie?
I’d submit yes, give yourself at least 2 months jelqing prior to doing blasters.

Hope this helped.

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