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Jelq of Quality

Jelq of Quality

Guys Yesterday I was jelqing like any normal day, but I resolve to “hear” my dick and discover that I was jelqing right but with poor quality, I want any advice to try get along with my problems. Can I jelq using just one hand?? I discover that my left hand jelq better than the right (I was doing 400 jelq using two hands, yesterday I do 100 jelq using one dick and deep concentrate), using my leftie I feel my dick pumping blood in and really becoming more big (like I read here in the forum “a balloon full of air”) but when using my rightie I don’t feel the same and causes a little pain on the left side of my dick just under the head (I don’t have any idea what is this, but I think am putting to much pression on that big vein that cross our dick {do not know the name})
Can I use just my left hand??

Another thing that is troubling me it’s the time of the jelq, I was reading that must be at least 3 s (I doubt that the guy on the videos takes 2 ) and using my clock I discover I was way over-fast, and became doing more deeply jelq, like 4 or 5 s long. Question, time makes difference??

I think it’s because I am kegeling to much, but I am having a lot of trouble to sustain a erection during the jelq (when I am fucking I have a hard rock erection, just a good kiss on my girlfriend and my little buddy is up to) and to get a erection to. With no porn (for personal reasons I must Jelq in the bathroom) I take a long time to get a full erection and yet is not a hard rock one, again I was reading through this wonder full site and discover that you must have a steady erection to Jelq, and if a become on 90%, after 10 stroke of jelq (10 strokes of deeply jelq, very slow) I go to 60% (I don’t know very well) the question is, this can ruin my exercises??

Now a little word to the guys starting, guys I have 3 months of experience in PE and discover that 90% I was doing is wrong, I was thinking why a guy who jelq for two years sometimes gets no result, and I think it’s because we don’t listen to our cock, you must see what your body (dick) is saying to you and always question yourself, after all PE is science.

Originally Posted by Phyriel
Guys Yesterday I was jelqing like any normal day, but I resolve to “hear” my dick and discover that I was jelqing right but with poor quality, I want any advice to try get along with my problems. Can I jelq using just one hand?? I discover that my left hand jelq better than the right (I was doing 400 jelq using two hands, yesterday I do 100 jelq using one dick and deep concentrate), using my leftie I feel my dick pumping blood in and really becoming more big (like I read here in the forum “a balloon full of air”) but when using my rightie I don’t feel the same and causes a little pain on the left side of my dick just under the head (I don’t have any idea what is this, but I think am putting to much pression on that big vein that cross our dick {do not know the name})
Can I use just my left hand??

Yep and nothing wrong. Just make sure that you won’t make your boy curve to the left if you only jelq with left hand.

Originally Posted by Phyriel
Another thing that is troubling me it’s the time of the jelq, I was reading that must be at least 3 s (I doubt that the guy on the videos takes 2 ) and using my clock I discover I was way over-fast, and became doing more deeply jelq, like 4 or 5 s long. Question, time makes difference??

Yep, it does make difference. But it is also proportional to the pressure you put on while jelqing.

Originally Posted by Phyriel

I think it’s because I am kegeling to much, but I am having a lot of trouble to sustain a erection during the jelq (when I am fucking I have a hard rock erection, just a good kiss on my girlfriend and my little buddy is up to) and to get a erection to. With no porn (for personal reasons I must Jelq in the bathroom) I take a long time to get a full erection and yet is not a hard rock one, again I was reading through this wonder full site and discover that you must have a steady erection to Jelq, and if a become on 90%, after 10 stroke of jelq (10 strokes of deeply jelq, very slow) I go to 60% (I don’t know very well) the question is, this can ruin my exercises??

Ruin your exercises? Maybe not, but your jelqs will become less effective.

Originally Posted by Phyriel
Now a little word to the guys starting, guys I have 3 months of experience in PE and discover that 90% I was doing is wrong, I was thinking why a guy who jelq for two years sometimes gets no result, and I think it’s because we don’t listen to our cock, you must see what your body (dick) is saying to you and always question yourself, after all PE is science.

Kind of right. Give him a good care, rest, and listen to him ;)

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Daboogies. How proportional this are?? I mean more pressure less time, or vice-versa??

I can make my boy curve to left jelqing with one hand?? He is already a little curve, from my perspective view he has a little curve to the left.

Sorry a bit to reply.

Yep, you can make your boy curve to the left by jelqing with one left hand.

Proportional? You decide :) 3 second for each stroke and the pressure that aint hurt your boy ;) That how Jelq work best.

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Another Thing that I want to ask man, a little pain is normal?? Or any type of pain is bad when talking about PE??

Sometimes after I jelq for to long, I feel a little pain on my penis, it’s nothing big, I can have normal sex, and don’t have other problems, but I guess if it’s ruining my exercises.

A little, little bit of pain is normal. Anything excruciating is definitely not.

Originally Posted by Okish6er
A little, little bit of pain is normal. Anything excruciating is definitely not.

I don’t know about that. Some discomfort, maybe. Pain, no. Come to think of it, I’ve never jelqed to the point where I experienced discomfort, let alone pain. Having a hard time remaining partially erect, yes, but discomfort, no.

I’m curious what the take of others is on this one.

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