My brothers father-in-law once leaned over to me, drunk as hell. He’s this big man, bearded, forester. Hard as nails. He leans over, looks me dead in the eyes, and says “Stop thinking. You’ll go crazy if you don’t.” He was almost right. Yeah, therapy’s gone a long way. So’s adjusting my diet (As much omega 3 and as little omega 6 as possible. Oh, and lots of tryptophan. But if it compromises taste, then fuck it). But I suspect I’m worse off than you are anyway.
Yeah, you deserve one. Holiday, that is.
Oh, and for God’s sake do PE. And kegels, many kegels. My tips are these: Get as many measurements as possible - Length, girth, what have you - as soon as possible. Facts are your best friend, without them you’ll have no idea of how you’re doing, or if and what you need to change. But that’s actually more for long term. For short term your bestest friend is erectile quality. If your erections are rock-fucking-hard you know you’re on the right track. If you’ve got morning wood enough to club even grown up seals with, you know you’re doing it right. The second EQ dips you need to pause and think it over, either you’re not doing enough, or (More likely) your doing too much. Too much will only hurt you.
For example: This past week my EQ has suddenly shot to shit. It could certainly be the fever I’ve had, but I’m not taking any chances. So I’m resting a couple of days, and I’ll get back on the horse come monday. Now, I’ve seen gains, so I know I’ve been doing it right. Just maybe a tad too much.
So, for long term measurements are the compass. If you get no gains at all in three weeks, or a month, it’s time to change up your routine. But for short term EQ is king: If you get bad wood, you know you’re doing something wrong right here and now.
And also: Kegel.