Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelq time

Jelq time

Hi I’m new here, when I do my jelqs it takes a lot longer than 10mins! Is this a bad thing?

Welcome to the best place on the web for PE first of all. :) Second, it will take you a month or three to get down the intracacies of the jelqing technique and allow you to figure out how to do it to effect your penis in certain ways for gains. To answer your question, I have noticed sometimes when I began jelqing that if I was to count the strokes as I jelqed with about 1-3 second strokes in a nice rythem jelqing straight outwards I would notice that a lot of time had gone by (more then I expected) would at first because I took the time when learning how to jelq (and still am learning new things about it every day but am much better now) to stop and imagine and think about what I am actually doing when I am jelqing so I can understand how to repeat the perfect stroke every time with confidence and not having to think about it so much. You want to practice almost every day (Some rest days might be helpful you will have to figure this out for yourself) so you can get better and better at it. There are lots of different angles, erection or flaccid states, hand grips and other subtle techniques you can use when jelqing. Take it easy to begin with and try to identify when you overtrain you dick. You overtrain your dick when it trys to turtle in to your body. If it does that, it could mean a lot of things you did wrong with how you jelqed. Search here more much more information on jelqing and read a lot and think and imagine and practice and you will get jelqing down. Just don’t start jelqing with a fully erect penis. Only attempt this after you are really confident with how your penis works. Hope I didn;t bore you to death with all this information, but if you really want to succeed at this it’s going to take some real work. Good luck.

Originally Posted by excalibur
Hi I’m new here, when I do my jelqs it takes a lot longer than 10mins! Is this a bad thing?


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