Thunder's Place

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Jelqing and erect question

Jelqing and erect question

Hi guys I have a question about jelqing like I start on 7 of this month so today is my 5 days so I jelq 4 times, my penis was 5.3 erected now it’s 5.0 non erect from under the shaft my penis 5.3 girth all of it donno about the base coz am still losing pubic fat with exercise but the question is when am doing jelqing with my hand sign ok but flipped I can’t maintain erect 70% or 50% maybe I maintain 40-50% but when I make sign ok but my palm is not twisted I can keep erect at 50 60 70% so I am looking for girth and length but girth is a bit more important to me coz length am already 6.5 so it’s easy to go to 7 inches length so which ok sign is more effected is ur palm twisted or ur ok sign and your hand is normally straight second this if the jelqing give you result at first which is not permanent at first is this swallowing under the head of the penis is from it please I need explanation coz I don’t want to be doing it wrong I do 5 minutes warm up and massage + 5 minutes stretching + 5 minutes warm up + 200 jelq + 5 minutes warm up please I need the most effected sign you can make to gain girth and bit length thank you ONE last thing how can I keep my goal and current length like down start July etc.. Coz every time I write a msg I have to write it thank you

Start July 07 2011

Length 6.5 Girth 5.3

Goal : Length 7.5 Girth 6.2

That’s one confusing run-on sentence.

Welcome, mk. Try using our search function next time you have a question. Chances are, if you have a question, somebody else has asked it in the past.

You should choose your jelqing grip based off of what is more comfortable for you to do. If you feel like you are getting a better workout from one side, then stick with it. Here is a video of how most people jelq: Penis Enlargement Videos

Non-permanent growth can be due to improved erection quality/expansion or just because you haven’t “cemented” your gains yet. After you gain, you should continue your routine to make sure the gains become more permanent.

To add your measurements at the bottom of each post, go to User Control Panel —> Settings and Options and then to “edit my signature”.

You might want to break up your longer posts into smaller paragraphs to make them easier to read; many people give up on reading posts like yours (see above). Also, please check out the Forum Guidelines concerning chat speak: coz, ur, etc. Good luck with your gains.

Originally Posted by TheGreatDivider
That’s one confusing run-on sentence.

I concur.


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