Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelqing and unwanted head gains


I hope so.. My head is small.! Not cool.

Daboogies: I tried out your advice and while it is a good idea it’s just to awkward to pull off. Thanks for your input though!

TPS: You know what that is a really great idea, I had no idea that “the blood in it (corpus spongiosum) does not communicate with the blood in the corpora cavernosa.” They’re basically two different entities as far as blood supply go. Tonight, when I do my excersises, Ill try this out. I don’t think it’s going to be as efficient of a motion and it probably won’t work as good as I’m hoping but Ill definitely give it a shot.

Flyingwood: Id have to borrow my buddies camera but Ill post some pics here shortly. I mean I don’t have a HUGE head or anything and when you see it youll probably wonder what the big deal is but to me it’s right at the threshold of being too big. I know it should be more about function and not cosmetics but what can I say I’m a vain bastard.

Stupendamatic: I know exactly what you mean. When I clamp I kegal in all the blood I can in my dick then squeeze my head. I love that feeling of intense pressure. Thats why I know in five years my girth is going to be huge ‘cause I’m already addicted to that feeling.

Sparky91: I don’t know why but Redass is what came to mind for some strange reason when I was picking out my screen name. If TPS’s excersise doesnt work out for me then I’m going to wait until I can post in the main forum and do a survey on cementing head gains/jelqing and disproportion to see if my concerns are relevent.

for me my shaft has increased far more than my head. In fact I dont really see any growth in my head but I have gone up over a 1/4” in my shaft. My head started out looking nice and big compared to my shaft. Now it looks like it is just normal. So, for me jelqing does not increase head size, or, it does so at a much slower rate than shaft size. If you are wanting to grow the shaft thicker then you will also want to grow the head, even if growing it slower, or that head you currently think of as almost too big will soon become a head that you think of as almost too small.

For me I think my head gets more expansion from clamping than it does from jelqing. I would be far more concerned about head growth due to clamping than I would be from jelqing.

Summed up, jelq and clamp both and likely your shaft is going to expand faster than your head.

Originally Posted by RedAss
Daboogies: I tried out your advice and while it is a good idea it’s just to awkward to pull off. Thanks for your input though!

You’re welcome. I wish I could be more like other members (RTG, TPS, WEST, THUNDER, PETITFAUN, PEST, MODESTTOMAN and other I can’t remember their nicks :D ) so that I could be more helpful in this forum.

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Oops, I forgot about this!

Tps, tried it out and my suspicions were spot on. It does work (kind of) but is not worth the effort really. I’ll just stick to clamping.

P.S. Since this post I have stumbled across your redi-stretcher. I must say, job well done! I’ll be purchasing mine here shortly. In your opinion, and anyone else for that matter, is this the best tool to use for actually gripping the “inner penis?”


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