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Jelqing = more difficult stretching?

Jelqing = more difficult stretching?

I believe that jelqing has made my stretching regimen a lot harder. No real proof for this, but my flaccid girth is a lot more dense than it was before, and it takes a lot longer to get the popping that I’ve been experiencing before. I believe I’m going to lay back on the daily jelqs for the time being, I have major gains when contrasted with my flaccid girth, but erect I don’t look very much different (though my erections are a lot stronger).

Going all out BPSL (bone pressed stretched length) gains. I have managed to gain at least 1/2 cm in two-three weeks of power stretching. I believe lig stretching is truely the way to a more massive penis.

In your case there way well be something to your theory. For some others stretching post-jelqing makes for quicker on set of fatigue as the tissues are already a little stressed.

As for the BPFSL gains, keep at it. Once you’ve got 1/2”-3/4” you should hopefully see a difference in your erect measurements. When you get there, keep going!

Finally, don’t cut out jelqing altogether. Jelqing may be responsible for your harder erections, so why quit? Just do it lightly to keep your vascular system healthy, and not to the intensity that you would in a girth routine.

I think your routine is onto something, and as crazy as it sounds, log stretching has somehow allowed my ” fullness ” expand a bit more. I guess jelqing lightly may be responsible for that as well.

I think you broke a record. Near 7 years. :)

What’s your LOT?

Please, LOT serves to nothing and never had any relation with manual exercises.

I didn’t say it did. I wanted to see if there was any correlation though. To see if he had the LOT angle that *requires* downward stretching only (so he’d have a high LOT).

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