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Jelqing results in Peyronie's disease

Jelqing results in Peyronie's disease

Does jelqing results in Peyronie’s disease?


I have known about PE a long time ago (although I haven’t tried it), and have decided to do some research before commencing. Here is what I found which I found disturbing:

Peyronie’s disease - Wikipedia

"Peyronie’s disease is a rare connective tissue disorder involving the growth of fibrous plaques in the soft tissue of the penis affecting as much as 1% of men. The exact cause is not known, although it is thought to be caused by injury to the internal cavity of the penis, which results in bleeding and later scar tissue formation. It may cause pain, cord-like lesions, or abnormal curvature of the penis when erect. It may also make sexual intercourse painful, although some men report enjoyable intercourse in spite of the disease. A certain degree of curving of the penis is considered normal. A urologist can diagnose the disease and suggest treatment, though treatment is limited since Peyronie’s disease is not fully understood. Treatment usually takes the form of surgery and oral medications.

Note: It is common and normal for a penis to have some small degree of bend at the base, causing the penis to point in a direction other than directly forward, while still having a straight shaft. This is not caused by Peyronie’s disease or masturbation."

Comments? Suggestions?

A disease? I’ve never heard of someone getting a disease from an exercise, or a physical exertion. Don’t you get diseases on a cellular level? Aren’t diseases basically a genetic defect?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Last edited by deadeye3200 : 02-20-2005 at .

You are fine my friend. Jelqing can add a wee bit of a curve or even take away a curve by going in the opposing direction. But no peyroinnes from it.

If spanking the monkey caused this to happen, my penis would look like a TYCO stunt car track you got for Christmas when you were 9 with all the loop to loops. It would look like a clown made a very difficult balloon animal out of it.

All is cool. I expect the real medical knowledgeable people to give you a better and more satisfactory answer that what I just said, but come to the same conclusion.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I may be mistaken, but I don’t see any mention in the Wikipedia article [a reader updated resource of questionable reliability] of Jelqing, never mind your conclusion regarding a causal connection.

While googling for Peyronie + jelqing, the latter was mentioned as a possible way to cure it rather that the cause. See also similar threads below. Of course, it is possible to get injuries like this if you abuse your member too hard during PE but that we knew.

Hi guys. Thanks for your helpful replies.

Originally Posted by androNYC
I may be mistaken, but I don’t see any mention in the Wikipedia article [a reader updated resource of questionable reliability] of Jelqing, never mind your conclusion regarding a causal connection.

Well, there is a short paragraph on Jelqing in Wikipedia, and it says possible growth might be due to scar tissues.
http://en.wikip … rgement#Jelqing

"Peyronie’s disease is a rare connective tissue disorder involving the growth of fibrous plaques in the soft tissue of the penis affecting as much as 1% of men", and since the cause of Peyronie is unknown, and there are little research on jelqing in the medical community, I made a possible connection between the two. I was not sure about my conclusion so I wanted to know what you guys think.

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