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Jelqing several times a day or one long session

Jelqing several times a day or one long session


I have been peing for about a month now and have seen some gains in girth but none in length, so far.

I was wondering if jelqing once a day for 30 mins like I have been doing is the best way to go about it ?

Or would jelqing several times a day, maybe 3 or even 6 times a day for 10mins each time be better for gains ?

Obviously 6 small sessions of 10 mins = 1 hour total, would that be the best way to make good gains ?


I think 30 minutes may be too long for one session. I got good gains from jelqing and never did more than 20 minutes at the most. I generally count reps, not time anyway. Warm up, stretch, jelq.

Originally Posted by doggmann
I think 30 minutes may be too long for one session. I got good gains from jelqing and never did more than 20 minutes at the most. I generally count reps, not time anyway. Warm up, stretch, jelq.

Does that total time include the warm-up, stretch, jelq, and cool down, or just jelq itself? My whole session lasts about 45 minutes, but about 15 minutes is actually spent jelqing (200-250 reps), since a lot of time is spent on trying to raise and lower erection levels to get it where I need to be. And then I usually edge for 15 minutes after my PE session.

August 2008: NBPEL 4"

Thanks for reply.

I read this in an article =

"At least a half hour every day, preferably a full hour”

“Jelqing is a centuries old technique, believed to have started in Sudanese Arab culture. Young boys were taught to perform a technique similar to jelqing from the time they started puberty - and they were able to successfully enlarge their penises well over 10” on a regular basis!”

These are from the same article, they didn’t say about one long session or to split it up into small sessions.

So you think 20 mins is enough, ok cool,
But do you think that is enough for someone who only jelqs and kegels, NO stretching ?
I’m using jelqing as almost my main and only exercise.


Originally Posted by psychosadistik
Does that total time include the warm-up, stretch, jelq, and cool down, or just jelq itself? My whole session lasts about 45 minutes, but about 15 minutes is actually spent jelqing (200-250 reps), since a lot of time is spent on trying to raise and lower erection levels to get it where I need to be. And then I usually edge for 15 minutes after my PE session.

30 mins of Just jelqing, not including warm up.

I would start at maybe 5-6 minutes of jelqing PER DAY and work your way up over the weeks and months. Why start out with a long session? How are you going to break through a plateau? You’ll have to jelq for a couple hours!

Start low and work your way up. Once gains stop, do a deconditioning break. Then start over :D

I really just want to know if several small sessions a day is better or as good as one long session

The biggest problem with performing 6 short sessions is that you’d have to warm up and cool down for a few minutes for each session. I warm wrap for about 5 minutes before and after each session, for a total of about 30 minutes. If you did this for each session, you’d end up spending about 2 hours a day tugging your dick. The single session is more time efficient.


I don’t warm up or down though, it feels better when I don’t, my erection quality goes down when I warm up.

This is something that I was wondering about as well, I can normally get a 10-min jelq session in around mid-day. Then a 15 min one at night, but then I began wondering if a real long session of around let’s say 30mins would be better. I’ve been jelqing for 2 months now btw….


Beginning (no PE) (6-30-08--7.25" BPEL, midshaft 4.6" EG) ** (7-1-09 -- 7.25" BPEL, midshaft 5.1"EG)

Anyone ?

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