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Jelqing Side effects .

Jelqing Side effects .

Hi there I am fairly new to PE but am more then desperately seeking the right procedure for PE length wise.

I got a question or 2 and was wondering if someone could assist me please.

1- Tried it already for almost 2 days now and for some reason after jelq , I wait roughly 4-5 hours then I see red dots on my Penis head, looks like from the inside but the good thing is they go away after 24h at most.
Bad thing is I don’t know if I am jelqing the right way or I am injuring my Penis. Help please :)

Manual Stretches.
2- I don’t really know if I am doing it the proper way although I followed the instructions for some reason it’s like it feels like I am applying a bit too much pressure when I hold the head, if I loosen up he just slips and it’s like I didn’t do anything :(

Thank you for the help
Much love

After you jelq does your penis seem to hang a bit fuller when flaccid, and do you seem to have more night and morning wood?

Those are positive signs that you’re doing the right thing and not overworking.

And when stretching, I’ve read to grab about an inch below the glans (head) in order to not put too much pressure on it

You are gripping too hard your penis, Jagals, and also pushing too hard. If you never walked, you shouldn’t try running, agree? :)

Take it easier with your jelqs but I often still get red dots even when I am very careful, but this is a normal thing.

When you do manual stretches I don’t think you can really ever hold too tightly if your grabbing right under the glans.

Just keep following your routine and gaining experience and make sure to view the instructional videos on this site to double check your technique.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Thank you all for the replies.

Ok I will try to take it easy and loosen up my finger when I hold my penis.

Marinera: I most definitely agree I’ll take it easy on the little fellow :)

Kaldera : heheh actually almost 7 days a week I wake up full erect, I’m just a 24/7 honry guy . But as for the PE procedures after I jelq he does seem to hang a bit more .

I will be persistent and hope for good results :)

Keep us updated, and good luck!

Hey dudes what is the best post-jelqing/stretching thing to do. Wrap? And if so with what should I give it a wrap with?

Originally Posted by kalderas
After you jelq does your penis seem to hang a bit fuller when flaccid, and do you seem to have more night and morning wood?

Based on this, I think I finally found the right technique for me. I us the “C” grip, and I can target the CC’s better, without having pain in the urethra due to squeezing. I did a simple Linear Newbie routine today, and my flaccid unit definitely appeared longer and fuller. I do have the red dots though. (stop for a couple of days, or just lighten up the tension tomorrow?)

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

I used to get red dots. I wouldn’t PE the next day or again untill they went away. Hope this helps.

Post session do a 5-10 minute warm wrap, a cloth would be convenient

Start 10/01/08 - 6.5 BPEL 5.8 NBPEL x 4.5 EG Current 02/05/09 - 6.9 BPEL 6.2 NBPEL x 4.8 EG

GOAL 06/01/09 7.4 BPEL 6.5 NBPEL x 5.2 EG

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