Jelqing the hidden penis
I’m very glad for Thunder and all the guys who take time to post-moderate-maintain this website without demanding money upfront to sell a bunch of hype. I’ve read the initial instructions, read the FAQ’s, and I still couldn’t find an answer to a particular question. So if I’ve overlooked something, please let me know.
First, some stats:
BPEL = 6.25 inches
EG = ~5.0+ inches (Having a hard time measuring.. Pun intended)
LOT = very high at 12 o’clock; very slight by the time I reach 8 o’clock.
I have an occasional problem with ED. My family doctor referred me to a urologist who even did a vascular circulation test on my limp dick. All that either doctor could do was say, “Heh, you’re in your late forties” and prescribe pills. I’d rather not take pills for various reasons, and hence my googling and eventually finding this site.
When discussing options for ED with my GP, he said cock rings have a “broomstick and rope” effect. (Meaning the length of the shaft is stiff, but the base is still limp). I understand that stretching will effect both ligs and tunica in the “hidden” portion of my penis. But how much can jelqing do for that same hidden portion? While it should strengthen erections going distally from the point where I start gripping with an OK sign, won’t it leave the hidden portion “unexercised?” I.e., couldn’t it exacerbate a “broomstick-rope” effect? I’m concerned because when I start to lose an erection, it’s usually begins to soften at that same point, near the pubic bone. A good, hard, erection sometimes fades into a “broomstick and rope” woody, it psyches me out, and then even the rest of the erection fades. If my description here is unclear, let me know.
For what it’s worth, my erection has a slight bend to the left. The bend starts close to this same area of the shaft (close to the pubic bone), and extending distally about half an inch. Then the erection is fairly straight from there on out to the glans. The bend itself is not a problem for my wife or me, but it happens to be the place where I tend to start losing erections. Even as a teenager, I noticed that I could more easily push my erection toward the left (in the direction of the bend), but not at all toward the right. So I wonder if it’s weak place in the tunica, and hence want to strengthen that place in the tunica with jelqing.
On the videos, I notice that the erect penis is gripped as close in to the pubic bone as possible. However, there is still a large part of the “hidden penis” that is not being jelqed. And that’s the very place I’d like to strengthen. I’m wondering if I should modify jelqing to deal with this problem by either (1) stroking toward the pubic bone as well as away from it and (2) giving a hard squeeze to an erection so as to force blood into the hidden penis. Either option might thus expanding the tunica in the hidden portion of the penis. What do you think?