Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just starting again, need help and advices


Originally Posted by lowe
I´ve gained 1.2cm in 10 months or so, but I had to halt PE for penis surgery(frenulectomy), which took 2.5months , and I did another 10 days pause.. So from those 10 months, mostly only 7 were actual PE, with lots of experimentation, bib, bathmate, air pumps, extenders, manuals.. I gave each a 2 months chance to give me results and extenders made the best effect in my case. Clamping for girth is absolutely effective as nothing else I tried. So I gained under 2 millimetre a month, but the pace seems to be optimized now and I see much more results now than a year ago.

Thanks for the advice brother, could you give me links to the best extenders, pumps or whatever gave you the best results?

I’ve seen penis sprays, pills, creams and a lot of things for penis enlargement, do they have any effect?

Originally Posted by RoyalKnight
I’ve seen penis sprays, pills, creams and a lot of things for penis enlargement, do they have any effect?

Yes! They drain your bank account and give no results.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by RoyalKnight
Thanks for the advice brother, could you give me links to the best extenders, pumps or whatever gave you the best results?

I don’t think publicity is ok here.

I first bought a extender called JES extender. It´s similar to sizegenetics and many others but apparently those are among the robustly built ones.
These come with a silicon noose to grip under the penis head crown and are pretty painful and uncomfortable.
They also come with a “comfort” band that grips the head in other similarly painful ways.
People use to customize the gripping method with wraps, Velcro, etc. I used some foam ring band and the noose.
My mistake was to apply much tension and a hard grip that made my circulation cut.
But it´s possible to grip in a gentle enough way that keeps circulation to the head and have it 40min-2hour. Possible. And painful.

Then I bought the Penimaster pro. The vacuum hat to grip the glans made me think it would be less painful. It is, but comes with different problems.
Head is suctioned inside a ball by vacuum, and it´s comfortable. However the vacuum tend to suck the skin from the shaft, and create swelling inside the ball
Over time, some tissue in the frenulum area can collect collagen and harden or create tears.
I had a frenulectomy done to solve the problem created to my frenulum. If you are circumcised you won’t have this problem to such extent I had.
Now after frenulectomy my tolerance grew. Skin Hardening still happens in the area but not as much a problem. I can have it 2-4 hours in a single session.
It´s expensive tool and consume some consumables. Worked for me as my favorite tool.

When skin is bit damaged over hours and hours and hours of wear , I can wear the noose type extender that stress the grip differently and heal what was damaged with the vacuum extender and vice versa.

I don’t recommend the water pump. You need to choose a right pump cylinder size adequate to your goals, as example a thinner one for length work and a wider one if you want girth but I found the clamping so vastly efficient in girth that using pump is nearly useless for girth under my understanding. However I bought a bathmate and it´s a well built tool.

I also bought the bib hanger and malehanger. I would recommend you to stay away from those. I had some 4 millimetres progress with the bib hanger, over 2,5 months, so it definitely works.
But the side effects were devastating in my case. I only hanged up to 6kg, while others are able to hang 20kg, but my penis was nearly destroyed in the process of daily grip wrap, hang grip wrap hang.
I had several blood clots obstructing veins, thrombosis. Also skin cracks, like stretch marks. Much more skin lengthening than actual penis lengthening, which for uncircumcised is ugly to have even more skin. Also numbness, itchiness, swollen areas that weren’t healing after weeks, and impossibility to reach any orgasm for a month after I no longer used it. Under stimulation I built pain instead of orgasms.

I blame my own technical deficiencies but hanging is so hard to master and side effects potentially very dangerous, so I discourage you to go that route.
The penile collagen tissue seems to respond to a gentle pull over long time, as much

I also bought a lengthmaster from DoubleLongDaddy, from Mattersofsize. It´s a weird tool. Hand stretches were also hard to master. The tool is powerful and well built, but also it grip the penis in a way that also did more damage than benefit in my case.

Clamping WORKS dramatically, I can later explain how I used and worked faster than any other PE I tried before. Easy gains. Cable clamps are sold anywhere.

About the vacuum cylinders I have not much experience. I bought LeLuv ones: they come in 9-10inches long, and any width so you can choose the adequate ones
I bought 1.75” wide, 2”, 2.125” and 2,5” wide to have the adequate girth to pack it and work the length, because I feel like clamping do the real girth work and I am only focusing in length.
So actually I only use the thinner of them 4. I can’t pack the others.

I don’t´ know how else I can help
Ah yes. You may be interested in buying some of the silicone sleeves that are sold as anti turtling.
Because if you wear vacuum extender over some hours, you may want to put a silicone cap after you remove the extender, to help your body drain the lymphatic fluid and keep your frenulum area from wrinkling and retracting too much. That gave me many problems, hardening, tightening the skin, that I solved with a couple simple techniques using those silicone bands. I can explain later too if you want.

Hope helps.

Originally Posted by Titleist
Yes! They drain your bank account and give no results.

Yes I think creams are absolutely useless

Guys, can you help me out? Yesterday, I was doing stretches, then I started feeling pain and got scared and stopped. After that my penis was larger in a flaccid state, but I wouldn’t say that it was hard on touching after 10 mins, I touched it on the warm down and it was not soft, but after 10 mins and a shower it was normal. I got scared that I may have this “hard flaccid state” and I went to bed. Today I woke up without a morning erection (I normally don’t notice if I have it or not but today I got paranoid if I have this hard flaccid thing so I saw it), got even more scared, tried to watch porn, I got it up but it’s a lot harder and I can’t maintain the erection. I’m feeling stressed while doing it, it’s probably because I’m really scared and I can’t stop thinking about this thing, could be it an injury or I’m just getting paranoid and it’s affecting my erections? I also have a little burning sensation while trying to get it up or wank it. I got it erect now without thinking about this, but it was with a lot of help from the porn :D However, even bigger size of erection I think, I haven’t noticed a change in size, but this little burn sensation is there still when erect.

Last edited by RoyalKnight : 08-09-2019 at .

I also have problems maintaining it. I think that I’m getting paranoid, but idk, could it be this hard flaccid thing? :D I also can’t get a hard erection without using my hands.

Originally Posted by RoyalKnight
Guys, can you help me out? Yesterday, I was doing stretches, then I started feeling pain and got scared and stopped. After that my penis was larger in a flaccid state, but I wouldn’t say that it was hard on touching after 10 mins, I touched it on the warm down and it was not soft, but after 10 mins and a shower it was normal. I got scared that I may have this “hard flaccid state” and I went to bed. Today I woke up without a morning erection (I normally don’t notice if I have it or not but today I got paranoid if I have this hard flaccid thing so I saw it), got even more scared, tried to watch porn, I got it up but it’s a lot harder and I can’t maintain the erection. I’m feeling stressed while doing it, it’s probably because I’m really scared and I can’t stop thinking about this thing, could be it an injury or I’m just getting paranoid and it’s affecting my erections? I also have a little burning sensation while trying to get it up or wank it. I got it erect now without thinking about this, but it was with a lot of help from the porn :D However, even bigger size of erection I think, I haven’t noticed a change in size, but this little burn sensation is there still when erect.

what could a hard flaccid be?
it´s like squared ball
a triangle with four sides…
what is a hard flaccid and why would you get paranoid about it?

just rest some days. Maybe PE can only create anxiety in your case and you shouldnt do it

Originally Posted by RoyalKnight
but after 10 mins and a shower it was normal.

I don’t think it’s hard flaccid. This condition maintains the stiffness for longer periods, specially after rest.

Heavy routines can temporary promote a mild stiffness and turtling, but has to go back to normal after few hours.

What’s you current routine?

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by Lenny
I don’t think it’s hard flaccid. This condition maintains the stiffness for longer periods, specially after rest.

Heavy routines can temporary promote a mild stiffness and turtling, but has to go back to normal after few hours.

What’s you current routine?

I was doing fine for a week now, my erections were amazing, then suddenly from the last 2 sessions I feel some strange pain, and urge to pee. I warm up for 10-12 mins with hot water, then I start with:

1x Stretching with 30 kegels each side + circle stretches + helicopter shakes for 20 seconds after each side -> left, then I do 2 circle stretches - one from left to right and one from right to left -> then I do right scretch, I do the same circle stretches, -> forward stretch with circles after that -> and upward stretch with circles after that.
2x Stretching for 30 seconds without kegels + helicopter shakes for 30 seconds after full set - left, right, forward, top, down with helicopter shakes for 30 secs after one full set

<< This is normally where the strange feelings start. I get the urge to pee even tho I have peed and I nothing comes out, I feel like I’m damaging something and I get a little burning sensation, my grip isn’t too tight I think, it’s normal, however I’m wondering if I’m picking some nerve or vein and that’s why I feel this urge, I don’t know, probably you guys here know something about this. Another thing is that since I’ve began penis exercises I have the urge to pee a lot. I drink a lot of water also, but I feel like I had to say this too. >>

After stretching, I do jelqing - I use porn or images to get an erection, then I start jelqing, however my erection doesn’t last, I can’t maintain it at exact percentage, I would say that I do it at approximately 40-50% erection. I do 300 jelqs and sometimes + - 25-30. Then I do warm down for 7-10 mins.

If I need to be honest, I feel more stressed about getting an injury on stretches and not on jelqing. I also got a burning sensation when I pee after yesterday’s session. I stopped at the second set of stretching for 30 seconds without kegels.

What should I do? Should I give myself a rest or keep going tomorrow? I did a rest for 3 days before the session yesterday.

Right now I don’t feel pain or anything, more like anxiety, but I didn’t get morning wood today, didn’t get any random erections, it’s hard getting an erection and keeping it, and I have decreased libido. I also feel burning sensation while peeing, I saw that stretching can affect EQ and I have to do stamina exercises for that, is it true?

Could be. For whatever reason stretching ain’t so nice for some people.

Urge to pee could be coming from kegels. I wouldn’t do kegels while exercising unless I’m doing clamping or edging. Try to do them after the routine, for last.

If you want, experiment 2 weeks without stretching and a 1:1 schedule. Rest is crucial for kegels, since they are actually muscles, unlike our penises.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Hello guys, I’ve been taking a rest since now and I want to start again. Should I do the beginner routine or the same one I’ve used before?


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