Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just turned 18 should I start PE


Originally Posted by Narukami

I mean it probably aids growth in late puberty.

Narukami, your size is awesome by the way. Same as mine lol. I am 5.7 height and looks big enough on me.

Originally Posted by gprent
We shouldn’t get too worked up about this. Ratemeplease7878 who asked the question doesn’t even have enough interest to come back and look for responses.

Let’s just wait to see if he is even coming back.

I agree

Originally Posted by bill10
Narukami, your size is awesome by the way. Same as mine lol. I am 5.7 height and looks big enough on me.

Thanks! I love compliments haha, I measured today and am more a 7.5” as of now since I never account for my curve lol.

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

I mean I think I’ll PE til I hit 8” then stop and wait for growth etc, already invested a month and want a bigger size so a small gain would not hurt.

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

Originally Posted by KingCock10x7
Well said Alivegeta! I’ve always agreed with this line of thinking. You just provided the evidence I needed! Thanks! I suspect that Bearded Dragon would agree.

Hey KC,

Thanks for linking me here. I started PE at age 29 so have no direct experience. Because of that, I’ve generally avoided commenting on this topic which often comes up, but I do have some thoughts which you can take with a grain of salt.

On the pros side, I can say there’s no reason the mechanism of PE growth wouldn’t work at age 18. It probably even works better, with the greater amount of hormones that aid in growth (of all types) and repair at younger ages. A higher libido at younger ages allows for more girth work. Not that it’s a problem now in my early 30’s, but thinking back to all the time I spent masturbating from 18-25, there was no shortage of erections I could have used for PE purposes. Higher libido at younger ages also means that getting your gains earlier in life means you will have them for more of your sex life. Gains are great whether you get them at age 20 or 60. But if you get them at age 20, you’ll have them for 40 more years of sex. If having a big dick is the difference that gives you more confidence during the sexually formative period of life, then starting at a young age could really improve the quality of your life. Then there is the obvious benefit that PE is a slow process, and the earlier you start, the bigger you’ll finish as the years add up.

For the cons, I can say that I do not know the medical mechanism by which PE would stunt natural growth. I don’t think it’s the same as weightlifting stunting natural bone growth, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. One study I viewed suggested penis growth for most guys is complete by age 18 or 19. But some small percentage of guys get growth from age 20 - 24. Obviously the range of puberty varies somewhat from one person to the next. Then there is the risk of body dismorphic disorder complications and size anxiety. All other things being equal, more size is better for sex. But all those other things are not equal!! And they are way more important than penis size for sexual satisfaction. Great sex happens in the brain. If starting PE at a younger age distorts your view of this, and gives the perception of a size deficiency, it could be harmful to sexual development. At age 18-25, the most important thing is to feel good about yourself and have a positive and healthy sex life, not to worry about size. I had no idea how small I was before joining TP at age 29, and so size never affected my sex life, and I’m glad for that. If you do start PE at a young age, you must understand that if you are anywhere even remotely near average (I was about 7 cubic inches volume BP) that size is way down the list of what matters in sex . Then there’s the injury factor. Like has been said, at a young age I imagine I could have easily tried something without knowing all the info, or overdone some exercise.

For all those reasons, if I were to go back to age 18 and start PE, I would do manual exercises only. I would turn masturbation into a jelqing / manual girth work exercise time. And I would do regular heated manual stretching. That way there’s still time for any studies, social life, or other projects and hobbies. There’s no equipment to hide, no secret part of your life that you hide away during a time when you’re very socially active. And minimized injury chance with manual work only. Just some lube and a rice sock is the only equipment necessary. Concentrate your efforts on sexual health, while making this manual PE a kind of background routine for better EQ. Take whatever gains you get, but don’t stress over it or quest too hard for gains. Then when you are 22 or 25 and life has settled a bit, and you still want to do PE, then dive into the mechanical PE. Then dive into the theory.

And remember to take rest days and rest breaks. They solve nearly any problem from PE and help for long term gain potential.


P.S. Come to think of it there is actually one piece of equipment I have that would be worth secretly hiding and using in my PE time travel scenario - the cock coil ADS and HTW. But the dangers of working with lead may outweigh the benefits for younger folk, so make one at your own risk.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Last edited by BeardedDragon : 05-22-2015 at .

Originally Posted by Narukami

I mean I think I’ll PE til I hit 8” then stop and wait for growth etc, already invested a month and want a bigger size so a small gain would not hurt.

Keep in mind that 8 inches long is good. It is stated that 6 inches of girth is a little scary for many women. Just sayin. Keep up the good work

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Hey KC,

Thanks for linking me here. I started PE at age 29 so have no direct experience. Because of that, I’ve generally avoided commenting on this topic which often comes up, but I do have some thoughts which you can take with a grain of salt.

On the pros side, I can say there’s no reason the mechanism of PE growth wouldn’t work at age 18. It probably even works better, with the greater amount of hormones that aid in growth (of all types) and repair at younger ages. A higher libido at younger ages allows for more girth work. Not that it’s a problem now in my early 30’s, but thinking back to all the time I spent masturbating from 18-25, there was no shortage of erections I could have used for PE purposes. Higher libido at younger ages also means that getting your gains earlier in life means you will have them for more of your sex life. Gains are great whether you get them at age 20 or 60. But if you get them at age 20, you’ll have them for 40 more years of sex. If having a big dick is the difference that gives you more confidence during the sexually formative period of life, then starting at a young age could really improve the quality of your life. Then there is the obvious benefit that PE is a slow process, and the earlier you start, the bigger you’ll finish as the years add up.

For the cons, I can say that I do not know the medical mechanism by which PE would stunt natural growth. I don’t think it’s the same as weightlifting stunting natural bone growth, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. One study I viewed suggested penis growth for most guys is complete by age 18 or 19. But some small percentage of guys get growth from age 20 - 24. Obviously the range of puberty varies somewhat from one person to the next. Then there is the risk of body dismorphic disorder complications and size anxiety. All other things being equal, more size is better for sex. But all those other things are not equal!! And they are way more important than penis size for sexual satisfaction. Great sex happens in the brain. If starting PE at a younger age distorts your view of this, and gives the perception of a size deficiency, it could be harmful to sexual development. At age 18-25, the most important thing is to feel good about yourself and have a positive and healthy sex life, not to worry about size. I had no idea how small I was before joining TP at age 29, and so size never affected my sex life, and I’m glad for that. If you do start PE at a young age, you must understand that if you are anywhere even remotely near average (I was about 7 cubic inches volume BP) that size is way down the list of what matters in sex . Then there’s the injury factor. Like has been said, at a young age I imagine I could have easily tried something without knowing all the info, or overdone some exercise.

For all those reasons, if I were to go back to age 18 and start PE, I would do manual exercises only. I would turn masturbation into a jelqing / manual girth work exercise time. And I would do regular heated manual stretching. That way there’s still time for any studies, social life, or other projects and hobbies. There’s no equipment to hide, no secret part of your life that you hide away during a time when you’re very socially active. And minimized injury chance with manual work only. Just some lube and a rice sock is the only equipment necessary. Concentrate your efforts on sexual health, while making this manual PE a kind of background routine for better EQ. Take whatever gains you get, but don’t stress over it or quest too hard for gains. Then when you are 22 or 25 and life has settled a bit, and you still want to do PE, then dive into the mechanical PE. Then dive into the theory.

And remember to take rest days and rest breaks. They solve nearly any problem from PE and help for long term gain potential.


P.S. Come to think of it there is actually one piece of equipment I have that would be worth secretly hiding and using in my PE time travel scenario - the cock coil ADS and HTW. But the dangers of working with lead may outweigh the benefits for younger folk, so make one at your own risk.

Hey BeardedDragon,

You’re welcome! Quality post! Wow, so you’re saying doing PE will cause some to think their size is inadequate?

I read that lead negatively impacts fertility. I also heard that lead negatively impacts mental development.

Relentless dedication and commitment to PE and success in life. Where will you be in 10 years? Are you getting all of the available output?

Originally Posted by KingCock10x7
Hey BeardedDragon,

You’re welcome! Quality post! Wow, so you’re saying doing PE will cause some to think their size is inadequate?

Yeah it’s a risk for some. Mostly I’m saying that I’m glad to have been blissfully ignorant of penis size when I was 18-25. To whatever extend PE might misdirect a young guy away from other aspects of sexual development, it could be a detriment. Certainly specific to the individual.

Originally Posted by KingCock10x7
I read that lead negatively impacts fertility. I also heard that lead negatively impacts mental development.

To clarify, and hopefully not get too far off track, the risks of lead exposure with the cock coil are very low once it is made. The lead is encased in rubber, and unless that rubber is broken, there is zero long term exposure. The risk of exposure is only while making the coil and dealing with the uncovered lead wire. I suppose any ADS would work. I just really like the coil. If there were only two pieces of PE equipment I could own, it would be a rice sock and a coil.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"


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