Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

LAST girth poll before PE.

View Poll Results:

difference in girth between base and midshaft BEFORE PE

less than .12 inches.


.12-.25 inches


.25-.5 inches


.5-.75 inches


> .75 inches

Total Votes: 21. You may not vote on this poll

LAST girth poll before PE.

Hey, I’ve done a few girth polls, and this is going to be the last one. Each one has been a bit different than the others.
I realized that when I ask for discrepancies in girth, there’s nothing that is necessarily taking out the discrepancy made by the steep loss of girth some men have right at the edge of their head.

This is going to eliminate that and just look at base and midshaft before PE.

Glad to see some results, even though I posted it at a pretty bad hour last night.

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