Length only PE?
Hello All,
I have read through a good number of the threads on this site, and must say I’ve been quite impressed with the quantity and quality of the information available. Though a good portion of my initial questions have been answered through basic searches, a few remain unanswered.
1. Is it possible to make gains in length only? If so, what methods tend to provide the best results? Unlike many members, I have no particular desire to gain much (if any) in the girth department. I want to focus solely on length.
2. Does timing of PE exercises effect results? I have ample time each day to dedicate solely to PE activity, but due to the nature of my profession, I cannot adhere to a strict time everyday. I work a revolving on-call schedule. So I may dedicate 2 hours a day to PE, but it would not be at the same time every day. Does it matter?
3. Is the rate one makes gains any indicator of maximum size potential?
Any answers will be greatly appreciated.
For those who care about such things, my current (starting) stats are as follows:
BPEL: 6.750
NBPEL: 6.3
EG: 6.625 (midshaft)
FL: 4.5
FG: 5.8
LOT: 6 o’clock
Oh, how I hope and pray that I will, but today I am still just a bill.