Lessons From the Tortoise - Slow and Steady Wins the Race
I’ve been at PE now for 7 months. While my little story doesn’t match some of the tales of persistence that abound here, I wanted to share it.
I first hit PE hard in July, starting with the newbie routine and moving on into some more advanced manual regimens pretty quickly. I have to admit that I was a little discourgaged when I saw no real result within the first couple of months. I started wondering if I needed more extreme measures and started to look at hanging, pumping, etc.
But then came the end of the third month and I realized I had ganied a 1/8’ in length and 1/8” in girth. The next month was the same thing. Though the girth mesaurement stabilized a bit at that point, I continued on a run of 5 consecutive months of 1/8” length increases. Individually these don’t seem like much, but the fact is I now have a solid 7 3/4” and, at this modest rate, I am only two months away from 8’.
Out of necessity, I have adopted a stripped back PE regimen. I basically alternate stretching days with jelqing days. I will clamp when I have some free time in the evening. I work out six days a week, wiht Xunday off.
The stretching routine is also barebones with three sets each of the following:
3 min BTC
1 min pull left
1 min pull right
1 min V stretch
On the jelq days I go 15 = 25 minutes, depending on my mood and distractions.
Anyway, I think they moral of this is to keep at it. Don’t worry about making immediate or ennormous gains. Take each little bit as it comes, part of a cumulative process.