Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Level with me please - Does Jelqing Work?


Jelqing works but for faster gains you need to do more

The thing about jelqing is that you will see gains in 2 to 3 weeks, so mark the calendar. In the third week if you have not seen gains go fly a kite for recreation.

Troll. Please take any posts by this member as potentially misleading and harmful.

Originally Posted by TerminalDrop

The thing about jelqing is that you will see gains in 2 to 3 weeks, so mark the calendar. In the third week if you have not seen gains go fly a kite for recreation.


Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Hey BritishGuy,

About 97-98% of guys who put in the required effort end up gaining. Somewhere in the area of 1” length gain and 0.5” girth gain is an average reasonable expectation, after 1-3 years of consistent PE. Check out the links in my signature for more info.

Are you kidding me? At least 1 year of consistent pe and you can expect 1” length? I read different things everywhere but most seem to agree that within 6 months 1” is average, so what is it?

I feel like jelging works better than stretching for me, but that might be because I don’t use a lot of oil and it naturally pulls when I do it. I love jelqing, I’m hoping to keep the current rate of growth, which would mean an inch in about a year. Inches are big when it’s a 6 inch unit. I think that’s a reasonable goal.

Originally Posted by small92
Are you kidding me? At least 1 year of consistent pe and you can expect 1” length? I read different things everywhere but most seem to agree that within 6 months 1” is average, so what is it?

Did you notice BeardedDragon’s signature? There have been a number of threads looking at the data from our PE database.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Yep, that’s for real, at least according to the TP data set. For length, the actual average gain is 0.67” in the data, for the entire PE career, but I personally believe that for guys who are truly consistent for 1-3 years that the average rises to somewhere in the 1” range. And again, that’s a ballpark reasonable expectation for a guy who’s considering whether or not it’s worth it to pursue PE. Obviously some guys will gain considerably more or less, and considerably faster or slower.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Yes jelqing can work. Consider it the foundation of pe. Doing it conditions you and your unit for the other forms of pe. I will be updating my stats in June but after a year I’ve exceeded 3/4” in length with half of that coming over the past two months. My most recent gains I’ll attribute to an improved pump with gage and proper size tube. But don’t consider any advanced pe until you’ve done the newbie routine.

I’m working on my size with jeqing and other methods

Hey Tony,

This isn’t instant messaging. Your posts will be visible for many years to come. So please take some time to at least follow the Forum Guidelines when you post and consider whether your post adds to the discussion at hand. In this case your post would seem appropriate in your own progress thread and potentially merged with 10 or 20 other posts to form a cohesive statement.


Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I think so but I’m not completely sure. According to my measurement, I gained 0.7” from it. However, I’m very suspicious that the larger part of those gains was actually from unknowingly getting better at getting better measurements. I know that sounds ridiculous. But it is simply true that I improved over time at achieving more favorable measurements. I know because sometimes I get measurements that show little improvement. Then I try harder and I get measurements that are suddenly several tenths better. I guess I’ll never really know. The measurements stopped improving.


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