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Lig stretching

Lig stretching

I am a little confused about the benefits of stretching the ligaments. I don’t understand why when a surgeon cuts them during penis lengthening surgery, the new length gained shows only in the flaccid state whilst there is no difference in erect length. If they don’t effect the erect length of the penis when cut, why would they when stretched. Does this mean that stretching the ligs during a PE routine is to increase the flaccid length and the tunica is the key to erect length gains?

hi joey55
im a newbie here so i couldn’t give a proper or scientific explanation but I have been stretching my ligs at low angles for almost two weeks and I seem to be getting some erect length gains from it, since I started the new stretch Ive gained in the region of 0.2cm, which to me sounds good after only a couple of weeks.

dont know if this helps you but its my experience, as i said im still a newbie


Have you been concentrating on a purely stretching routine or have you been jelqing as well? Basically are your gains definitely from lig stretching

Originally Posted by joey55
I am a little confused about the benefits of stretching the ligaments. I don’t understand why when a surgeon cuts them during penis lengthening surgery, the new length gained shows only in the flaccid state whilst there is no difference in erect length. If they don’t effect the erect length of the penis when cut, why would they when stretched. Does this mean that stretching the ligs during a PE routine is to increase the flaccid length and the tunica is the key to erect length gains?

In many men, the ligaments actually “pin” the penis to the pubic bone and prevent it from being pulled further out. Inside the body, the penis extends back almost to the anus. The common result of cutting or stretching the ligaments is to make the penis hang lower. If, for no other reason, it does this because it’s no longer pinned up to the pubic bone. Hanging lower generally means hanging longer, since the lower exit point is closer to the penis’ point of origin within the pelvis than its normal, higher exit point.

If someone has really tight ligaments, cutting or stretching them may increase erect size, as well. Erection angle will typically decrease somewhat, and additional length will be gained by virtue of the penis exiting closer to its point of origin.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Good post, ModestoMan. But like the original poster said, they say that surgery only increases flaccid length, while we lig stretchers seem to also increase erect length. Isn’t that contradictory?

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

I’ve actually heard that the surgery does increase erect length—just not dramatically.

As for the contradiction, if indeed there is one, what you need to realize is that you can’t stretch your ligs without also stretching your shaft. To some degree, your shaft may grow from the traction you apply, independent of what happens to your ligs. A longer shaft gives you a longer erection.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I’ve actually heard that the surgery does increase erect length—just not dramatically.

As for the contradiction, if indeed there is one, what you need to realize is that you can’t stretch your ligs without also stretching your shaft. To some degree, your shaft may grow from the traction you apply, independent of what happens to your ligs. A longer shaft gives you a longer erection.

That makes a lot of sense, on both accounts.

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Hey fructis - read this! Thanks!

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