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Loosing weight to get rid of 2.5 inches fat


Loosing weight to get rid of 2.5 inches fat


I have been around here for some time, reading and searching the forum.

I want to tell my story hoping to have some advices.

Im a 27 years old, 5.9 feet tall(180 CM), 220 pounds (100 kilos). As you can see im a fat guy, and my fat is not normal fat, my face, hands and feet are normal, but I have a big belly and all the fat is in the middle (Obviously my penis is surrounded with loads of meat)

A bit more about myself: About a year ago I lost my job and my fiancé, so this resulted a big depression, I became almost a sick guy, no going outs, no sex, no job, no sport, no social life…Most of my time in front of the PC playing games or surfing the net, this made me gain more then 40 pounds.

Until almost couple of months ago when I met a girl online, after some time we met and she was an athlete champion (which means a great body) things were looking great and sex was around the corner, luckily we had a cyber sex, here she asked me about my size, I remember several years ago I used to give attention about my size and it was around 6.5 inches back then (Note that all my life I was a fat guy, not as fat as I am right now, but I always had a belly) So after her asking me about my size I decided to check it, so it turned out to be 5 inches (non pressed erected) So for sure I wasn’t going to have sex with this girl knowing that she had a bf before me who was more then 7.5 inches according to her.

So this experience made me so angry and I decided to change, began surfing on the net, found out about PE and ended up here reading everything, so I did all the measurements as mentioned here and found out that I have about 2.5 inches covered with fat, I measured 7.5 inches when pressed to the bone. Now I know that no matter how much weight I lose I will still have some fat around my base, but at least removing 1.5 inches is not a bad result.

So 5.9 feet tall man should be 176 pounds as max, so loosing 44 pounds is my goal.

- How much do you think my fat base will change? Its 2.5 inches now.
- Having a strong diet and doing heavy exercises will PE exercise have any effects? (Bad or Good)
- What is the best exercises I can do to lose all this weight (please note that im not interested in making muscles and as I said the fat is located in my belly and hips)
- What is the best diet to take?
- How long should it take? Because I don’t want to lose 44 pounds in 1 month and then gain it back as soon as I stop diet.

Thank you in advance.

The best excercises to lose weight involve cardio. Walking, running, biking, swimming, aerobics, stuff like that. You should do some light weight training to get your muscles toned and trained to continue burning fat after you are done with your workout. You also need to cut down on the processed carbs, like pasta, white bread, baked goods like cookies, cakes and concentrate on a lean protein, lots of veggies type diet. Drink lots of water also. Cut back on alcohol, soda and caffiene also.

I lost 40 lbs in about 9 months following the South Beach Diet as well as DAILY excercise. The South Beach Diet even talks about how your belly fat goes down first when starting their program. I dont think you can lose weight for the long term without having both a proper diet and excercise.

Good luck.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


I am starting the South Beach diet today. My Doctor said I have to lose 20 pounds in 6 months or I will go on medication for the rest of my life.

Like 789 expressed; stay away from the carbs!!!!! and Sugars!!! Take a look at this diet. The first 2 weeks are the worst. After that you can re-introduce SOME simple carbs. Also; MODERATION!!!! This is where I will have the most trouble. I have always eaten twice as much as I should. It started way back in high school (25 years ago). I would always eat at least 2 lunches every day. At that time, I had a high metabolism rate and never got fat. Now, I sit at a damn desk all day and I haven’t changed my eating habits. Now I have to make some changes. I’m hoping this diet works.

If you need some support, feel free to PM me and I’ll let you know how my diet is working and give you any advise if I can.

Best of luck;


You guys rock on! I am also involved in a massive weight loss frenzy to bring things in proper proportion. I am 6-0 and around 240 lbs.

Lets get it done,

Last edited by Alice Hooper : 10-04-2004 at . Reason: Brain toot- forgot spell check

Welcome to the Forums edd911. I’ve had a similar experience in that I’m 6 feet tall (183 cm) and at my maximum was 249 pounds (113 Kg). Two months ago I finally got fed up with my situation and decided to lose weight. I’ve been on many self-monitored diets, including Atkins and The Zone, but I always ended up regaining lost weight because I would cheat and not follow the diet. I am the kind of person who needs "supervision" in order to finish a major project. If I don’t have someone watching me, I tend to put things off and not follow the plan. I did some research and found that one of the most successful diet plans available in which the dieter is monitored by others was Weight Watchers.

This plan started in the 1960s and has been refined several times. They are very non-judgemental and have a sound diet plan that is very nutritional. They don’t push meeting a goal or exercising. By that I mean that while a goal and exercise are part of the program, they allow you to reach the goal and perform exercises at your own pace. Their diet suggestions are nutritionally sound, plus you may eat whatever you like as long as you stay within the plan limits. The plan is basically to restrict calories and fat by using a calculated number as a daily goal. All foods are given "points" and you plan your daily meals so you consume all your points without going over.

I’ve found it very easy to follow. I go to weekly meetings where my weight is recorded. There is a short talk after the weigh-in which is given by a successful member who has maintained his or her weight loss on the program. Thus far, in 8.5 weeks, I’ve lost 23 pounds (10.4 Kg). I have not yet started any kind of exercise, but plan to do so once I lose 10% of my original weight (25 pounds). The 10% goal is the first goal one sets when joining Weight Watchers and I’m almost there.

If you are one who needs some assistance where food in concerned, this may be a plan that can help. That’s my answer one of your questions (What is the best diet to take?). Here are my other responses.

- How much do you think my fat base will change? Its 2.5 inches now.

I have definitely seen a change in my pubic fat pad. I can now easily measure 7.75" BP and before I would barely reach 7.5". It isn’t as much of a struggle to push the ruler in as it was before. I don’t know exactly how much my fat pad has changed, but it is disappearing and that makes measuring much easier.

- Having a strong diet and doing heavy exercises will PE exercise have any effects? (Bad or Good)

Dieting should not affect your PE exercises.

- What is the best exercises I can do to lose all this weight (please note that I’m not interested in making muscles and as I said the fat is located in my belly and hips).

You don’t need to do heavy exercise. As 789 said, cardio is best for losing weight, while light weight training will tone your muscles. Riding a bicycle is the exercise I’m going to do for cardio, probably beginning this week.

- How long should it take? Because I don’t want to lose 44 pounds in 1 month and then gain it back as soon as I stop diet.

Everyone is different. If you lose weight fast, you’re more likely to gain it back. A weight loss of two to three pounds per week (1-1.3 Kg) is the most you should plan for. You’ll be amazed at what a difference a 10 Kg loss will make. That should take you only a couple months. Don’t plan to lose 20 Kg in one month. It isn’t a realistic goal.

WeightWatchers Weight-Loss Program—Lose Weight and Keep it Off | WW USA
WeightWatchers Weight-Loss Programme—Lose Weight and Keep it Off | WW UK

Sounds Great AH:

I am 6’2” and 220 lbs. I didn’t think I was really overweight, but according to the doc, I am. I guess 200lbs even won’t be so bad.

Good Luck ;


Originally Posted by Edd911
- How much do you think my fat base will change? Its 2.5 inches now.
- Having a strong diet and doing heavy exercises will PE exercise have any effects? (Bad or Good)
- What is the best exercises I can do to lose all this weight (please note that im not interested in making muscles and as I said the fat is located in my belly and hips)
- What is the best diet to take?
- How long should it take? Because I don’t want to lose 44 pounds in 1 month and then gain it back as soon as I stop diet.

There’s been a lot of great advice here so far, but as someone whom has lost 55 pounds, I’ll chime in. I’m 6’5” and 200 lbs. and about 11% bodyfat. I was 255 and 26% bodyfat before.

You fat pad will probably go down to roughly 1”, maybe 3/4” if you really work at it.

PE is PE, exercise is exercise. Of course, the way some guys go at PE around here, I’m sure there is some caloric benefit to all of it.

Cardio burns fat. Muscle mass burns fat. You cannot turn fat into muscle, but having more muscle will benefit your fat burning capabilities, so don’t rule it out.

It’s the classic catch 22. As you age, you lose muscle mass by default, and you burn less calories, and you store more fat. So adding muscle is not a bad thing. Cardio is great, and it serves a purpose, but it is not the only way to attack a weight problem. Plus, the added benefit is how your body will look with a little rearranging. If you add some mass to your shoulders and chest, alongside the weight loss from your midsection, you will “appear” much thinner.

You can only lose (burn) 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. per week of fat. Tops. Don’t expect more or you will be disappointed. When you first start really dieting, you will lose 6-10 lbs. but that will mostly be water weight.

Best diet? South Beach, Atkins, Zone, they all use the same basic principle. We eat too many carbs, mostly processed. Avoid sugars, potatoes, pasta, heavy breads. Eat carbs, but green leafy vegetables. Eat enough protein, but don’t take the approach that 15 steaks won’t get you fat. A calorie is a calorie.

Eat a good breakfast, and break your meals down into smaller portions. 6 little meals instead of 3 big ones. Avoid the late night binging, beer, and drink a shitload of water.

You want to ramp your metabolism up, and keep it that way.

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

Loosing Weight: Diet More Important Than Exercise

Hi Guys,

New to the PE forum, but I’m an exercise physiologist by training.

Contrary to popular belief, aerobic exercise is not that effective at helping people lose weight. A review of the last 25 years of weight loss studies has found that diet, not exercise, is the most important factor in weight loss. Sure getting aerobic exercise is a good way of burning calories, but limiting caloric intake is far more important.

If you want to read more, here is the review;

Miller, W.C., Koceja, D.M., & Hamilton, E.J. (1997). A meta analysis of the past 25 years of weight loss research using diet, exercise or diet plus exercise intervention. International Journal of Obesity, 21, 941-947

Also, while low carbohydrate diets can be effective for losing weight, you can get similar results without some of the negatives (i.e. ketoacidosis stressing your kidneys and giving you bad breath, mental lethargy, etc) by including low G.I. carbs in your diet and keeping the total carb intake to around 40% of calories (with the other being 40% protein and 20% fat). I guarantee the pounds will melt off you and you will feel better.

I always recommend my clients undertake weight training to minimise muscle loss when on any diet.

Hope this helps.

Hello again,

Well first of all I want to thank each one of you, your words were great support.

I have two comments to make:

Oscar Mayer

You said I will only lose 1 inche as max out of the 2.5 inches I have surrounding my public area, I was hoping for much more, anyway I want to ask the thin guys around here (I mean normal not too thin) how big is your fat around your public area (in inches)?

And my second comment is:

Again Oscar Mayer you said I have to lose 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. per week of fat.

My question is: do you mean only fat or you meant overall weight?

Well I decided to put P.E. exercise aside for now, because im finding so hard to go to my base, and doing the exercise from the middle of the penis is not right, so I guess I have to remove the fat first and then go back to the exercise, for now im on my normal heavy diet and 2 hours of sports.

Originally Posted by acorn_dick
Hi Guys,

New to the PE forum, but I’m an exercise physiologist by training.

Contrary to popular belief, aerobic exercise is not that effective at helping people lose weight. A review of the last 25 years of weight loss studies has found that diet, not exercise, is the most important factor in weight loss. Sure getting aerobic exercise is a good way of burning calories, but limiting caloric intake is far more important.

If you want to read more, here is the review;

Miller, W.C., Koceja, D.M., & Hamilton, E.J. (1997). A meta analysis of the past 25 years of weight loss research using diet, exercise or diet plus exercise intervention. International Journal of Obesity, 21, 941-947

Also, while low carbohydrate diets can be effective for losing weight, you can get similar results without some of the negatives (i.e. ketoacidosis stressing your kidneys and giving you bad breath, mental lethargy, etc) by including low G.I. carbs in your diet and keeping the total carb intake to around 40% of calories (with the other being 40% protein and 20% fat). I guarantee the pounds will melt off you and you will feel better.

I always recommend my clients undertake weight training to minimise muscle loss when on any diet.

Hope this helps.

Woo woo!

Tis true what he says. It is good to hear it from a trained professional.

As a person who has dropped almost 100lb in 2 years, I do hear what your saying.

Also to chime in, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories it takes to maintain that mass. Therefore if you add muscle you burn more fat from your body if you reduce your carbohydrate intake to what the Doc said, about 40%.
The most important statement the Doc noted is the type of carbs you eat. high fibre, low glycemic.

There have been studies that have proven that wieght training is far better than aerobic training for weight loss. If someone runs on a treadmill for 40 minutes they only burn calories for about 6-8 hours postworkout.
However is someone weight trains with moderate to high intensity for 40 minutes, they burn calories for 18-24 hours post workout.

The body requires about 40 minutes of moderate intensity exercise to burn the exisiting “fuel” in the blood stream before it starts releasing fat into the blood stream to use as energy. This is why carb reduced diet plans are so popular, they tend to limit the amout of fuel already present in the blood stream and allow the body to start burning fat instead.

You must remember that the body’s prefered fuel source is carbs. When it is deprived of this, it tends to burn both muscle mass and fat in order to get its required nutritional values to function. This is why it is so important to maintain a high protein count and good fats like Flax seed oil or Udo’s Oil. These go a long way in maintaining your muscle mass during a weight loss phase.

There are a ton of sites, documents etc that will deal with these issues. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.



Work the Girth...

I have the same problem (thick fat pad surrounding penis). And I’m too going to try the South Beach Diet. I thought about Atkins first, but it’s too extreme and (I think) unhealthy.

I’m about 1.79m tall and my weight is around 95Kg. My penis has a 4cm fat pad around it, so it looks shorter than what the ruler says it is. Bone-Pressed my dick is 8.66inches / 22cm but it’s a whole different story when UN-pressed.

Originally Posted by Edd911
You said I will only lose 1 inche as max out of the 2.5 inches I have surrounding my public area, I was hoping for much more, anyway I want to ask the thin guys around here (I mean normal not too thin) how big is your fat around your public area (in inches)?

No, I said it would reduce down to roughly .75” - 1” thick. So you should be able to lose 1.5” of fat pad. You need somewhat of a fat pad for sex, and I think even the naturally skinny guys have a minimum of that. But I’ll wait for a bona-fide skinny guy to chime in. :)

Originally Posted by Edd911
Again Oscar Mayer you said I have to lose 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. per week of fat.

I didn’t say you “have to”. I said that’s the most you can lose. One pound of fat is equivalent to roughly 3500 calories. It is nearly impossible to create a 6000+ calorie deficit without posing some serious health issues. It’s why Atkins, although effective, puts most people into shock and gets them half ill when they start it.

Originally Posted by Edd911
My question is: do you mean only fat or you meant overall weight?

Fat. But what else do you really want to lose? If you lose 5 pounds a week, every week, you are sacrificing muscle mass, and that’s what you don't want to do. Muscle burns calories, even when you’re not using them. More muscles=more calories expended naturally. You will naturally lose some muscle by dieting, because you will at some point not provide enough protein and good carbs to exist, and your body does a good job of regulating itself. Welcome to the club….

The hardest part is the first 2 months. If you can get past that, you never look back. Losing a pound and a half of fat per week adds up, slowly but surely.

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

Just an update, after some wrong diets i now began the south beach diet (i changed the phase one from two weeks to more) i already lost around 15 pounds, things are looking great, im motivated and food means nothing to me right now

I need to try this diet

I was on the Atkins diet for a month. I lost 10 lbs but I had 6 bouts with gout. If you are prone to gout this diet is not for you.


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