Hello all,
Longtime lurker here, first post.
I’m 39, 5’9”, and a bit overweight at 205lbs. Wish it were muscle, but I am working on it!
Was into PE on and off over the last few years, but decided to get a bit more serious now (I hope to post starting pics soon, since this will be the start of a more serious commitment). I never had any problems in bed until a couple of years ago (losing erections in mid-sex, not having high-quality erections, etc.). It was a stressful time, and I tried a lot of things that just didn’t work. After learning the value of proper rest (I was masturbating daily for about 25 years), and starting a walking program for exercise, I also started ballooning. All three helped my erection quality get MUCH better — I still sometimes have issues in bed, but far less frequently, and I feel things are still getting better.
So, I’m on to PE now.. Beginner’s routine, but I’m more concerned right now with length than girth.
Starting stats: BPEL: 7”, EG: 4.75”, NBPEL: 6” (told you I had some fat pad to lose!)