Hey guys,
Just stumbled into this forum and sorta became excited to really work at this. My girlfriend has never really complained about sex, and has actually said it was the best sex she’s ever had two times, haha, so it really is about the motion of the ocean as they say.
I’m just starting out and I’m finding that milking is the only thing that really works. Do you guys have any suggestions for hanging? I would say my dick is very healthy, as I have kept it in pretty good shape throughout my life, thanks to Jenna Jameson.
Just looking for recommendations for hanging and jelqing as I tried the newbie stuff for a while but it didn’t work. I started my own routine of like about 150 jelqs with my hands as hard as I could and that seems to be working, with no side effects.
Right now I’m 7.5x5.5 but my goal is 9x7. Is my girth goal unrealistic? I am patient and realize this could take time, I’m just curious if you see many people getting that kind of improvement.
A change from 4 to 5.5 is obviously easier, pi*r^2, if you bisect the dick it’s just less area than 5.5 to 7, but I’m wondering if maybe as you see improvements it gets easier since there is more blood to create pressure with?