Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Losing faith

Losing faith

I guess I haven’t been an ‘active’ member but I have been reading a lot of posts. I’ve been jelqing on and off for months now and no gains, at all. I see no noticeable difference and I feel like giving up all the time

I don’t know what to do :\
The newbie plan isn’t working but I’m scared I’ll injure myself with any devices or hanging
Maybe I can’t get bigger..

Sigh, just venting some frustration. Any tips are welcomed :]

Current: (3/06/06) 5.5" x 4" (+.25EL!!) / Short term goal: 6.5" x 4.75"

Milestone 1: 7.5" x 5.25"

Ultimate Goal: Being happy with the size of my penis.

- Make sure that your erectionlevel is 60 to 70 %.
- Jelq slow. (2 to 4 seconds per stroke)
- Jelq with kind a lot of force.

After 30 minutes of jelqing this way, your penis have to look swollen and exhausted.

Don’t give up man! Change some things and get some gains, you deserve it.

GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull

GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10

Originally Posted by mistergrey
I’ve been jelqing on and off for months now and no gains, at all.

Thats your problem. You need to be consistant. Doing it “every now and then” won’t get you gains (in most cases).

Try the newbie routine and actually stick to it for 3 months at least, then see if you’ve gained or not.

Good luck :)

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

This sounds wholly like my first attempt at PE. I did some manual stretches and jelqing a few times a week with sporadic breaks. I saw no gains. One of the first things I learned the second time around was consistency, which is a must for most anything you do in life.

In five weeks I’ve gained 1/8” in length, measured BPE. To me, that’s amazing. I’m not going to post it in my stats yet, as I plan to do that quarterly, but I’m aware of gains. I also don’t expect to continue gaining at this rate, as I know I’m going to plateau. But if I continue to gain at half my current rate I’m going to see over 3/4” in gains a year from now. If I continue at the same rate, it’s going to be 1.5”, which blows my mind. There are others who’ve gained more, and those who have gained less. YMMV.

I’ve even taken the better part of a week off due to just being too damned busy to do PE.

Something I’ve learned as a runner: I rarely run for distance any more. Instead of saying I’m going to run five miles at a given pace, I say that I’m going to run for XX number of minutes and choose a pace that suits my body. I’m still working out, but instead of being driven by a stopwatch I’m listening to my body.

For me listening to my body has become key in any kind of workout regimen, PE included.

I found a routine in the newbie FAQs and stuck with it. I’ve added more jelqs as my cock has adjusted to the stresses, but I’m doing the same thing consistently and getting results. And anything I get is better than what I had.

All I can tell you, mistergrey, is that this stuff works. There are enough different exercises and techniques for you to create your own program and go with it. If what you’re doing isn’t effective, then try different things until you find something that does. Be consistent, be patient.

Relax, don’t worry, and be happy.

It could be that you are just losing some strength in your erections. Maybe you have gained and just need some more blood flow down under. It’s funny you called it losing faith because that is how I look at it most of the time. If you keep believing that you’ll make progress, I’m sure you will someday. As for the tips.. I guess I’ll repeat everyone else and say be more consistent and it could be that you are still learning proper technique. So try to study the videos and maybe try an alternative method other than jelqing like some light hanging or an ADS.

Don’t give up, man

Probably you are not doing the exercises correctly

Watch the demonstration videos and then try it again

But please, don’t give up :)

Thanks for the support and tips

They really motivated me :]

Current: (3/06/06) 5.5" x 4" (+.25EL!!) / Short term goal: 6.5" x 4.75"

Milestone 1: 7.5" x 5.25"

Ultimate Goal: Being happy with the size of my penis.


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