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Loss of Erection Quality, please help.

Loss of Erection Quality, please help.

Hey Guys

I’ve been hanging with 7 pounds for almost two months now and initially it made my Erection Quality go through the roof but lately it has diminished quite significantly, I have been jelqing everyday quite rigorously as well. I’m not sure if my loss of wood is attributed to too much PE or my recent absence from physical exercise and the resulting drop in testosterone. I have taken a break from PE for 4 days now and have seen a slight improvement, such as slight morning wood. I have read in other posts that giving PE a break for a 2-3 week period if Loss of Erection quality is experienced. So basically what I’d like to know is should I do some light hanging or just go back to my 7 pound weight but do it every other day with some light jelqing? Or take a break for 2 weeks as suggested in the post below.

Any help would be really appreciated.


I would give it at least a week, really you should have time off until full erection returns then half your routine time for the first day.

That’s what I did when I injured myself, after while I was on the normal routine.

Good luck.

Use plenty of warm water also, bath 30 mins per day.

Start 6.5 bpel 5.75 eg Current bpel 7.0 eg 6.75 (7.0eg base) Goal bpel 7.25 eg 7.0 mid shaft

Progress routine and pics/vids

As 17ml suggests.
But don’t do the jelqing so vigorously. Take it smoothly and a few seconds for each jelq..

You may have started hanging too early, So a good break may be necessary. It would be best to act with caution. when using the hanger. Might be worth reducing the weight too and gradually build it up.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Thanks for your help guys. I’ll give it some time then drop the weight and go with lighter jelqing.

PE is quite addictive, it is difficult to take rest breaks, I need to take one myself, to improve erection quality. Rest is probably needed in your case as well as mine.

I am experiencing the same thing bro. I think it is because you did too much. It doesn’t feel like much, but when your dick is telling you otherwise, I think you have to go with your dick. Mine happened after one session. The first week I experienced huge amounts of erection quality, then I did a bigger workout, and then after that I couldn’t get a boner up as easily. Btw my dick feels a little bit better with each passing rest day.

What fellows said. Also, worse EQ is pretty common with hanging.

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