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Loss of partial erection

Loss of partial erection

I am restarting the newbie program. I lost momentum after i was unable to maintain a partial erection during jelqing. I have tried all things listed to help with this with no luck. It either goes 10-20 % or 100%. I am only able to get in at best 50 jelqs with a 60-70 %. I was wondering if a shorter version of a clamping exersize would substitute for jelqing, clamping only a 100% erection with the first finger and thumb for say one minute at a time for 10 reps?. Just wondering, any help appreaciated. I really want to go through with pe.

porn causes the 100% erection so thats out , plus there are others here most of the time.

thanks, 5x5

Why don’t you watch porn then wait so your 100% erection goes down a bit, then start jelqing. I’m certain your penis doesn’t go from 100% straight to 10%.

I tried that, and once i start the jelqing I can get around 40-50 in before it goes down.

Plus i cant use porn regularly, because of others here.

I try in the shower , but no luck!


Think sexual thoughts.

Pamela Anderson porn ;)

That may be a good thing. Lets you practice using the ol’ imagination again.

5x5 guy, I have to agree with lithium on this one. The less you have to rely on porn, the happier you will be. Nothing in the world wrong with watching the movies in your head. As long as you don’t try to nominate yourself for an Oscar that is. Porn is a drug of sorts, and like any drug requires more and more to produce the same result, so the more you rely on your imagination, the better off you will be. Not only in your PE work, but in your real sex life as well.

Nicely said !! :D

Thanks for the advice…. But I dont really use porn alot. I just cant keep it at the 70 percent range. Porn or no porn its either 20 % or 100 % . when I do get it near 100% it only last for about 20 or so jelqs.

Thanks 5x5

Then you have no other way than to keep thinking sexual thoughts when it goes down.

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