Low intensity, long period of time: Rad or bad?
So, life runs its own classy club, and sometimes you’re not invited (No, I don’t know what I mean either). Anyway, I fell of the PE wagon, lost my girth gains, and have had a hard time getting back on.
Actually, I guess that could be a thread all of its own; How to get back on. Maybe. But this isn’t.
So, for various reasons, over the summer I won’t be able to give PE as much time as I would like to. I’m hoping for 45 minutes three times a week, but even that’s uncertain. Anyway; Is there any risk in having a fairly low intensity work out over a long period of time? Obviously, from an injury point of view it should only be preventative, and what not. But can the low intensity and the many months ‘harden’ the penis at some level or other?
Actually, writing this it seems silly. My answer to myself would be “Of course not, dimwit”. But what do the more experienced have to say on the subject? Any adverse effects at all of low intensity, long periods of time work outs?