Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Hi, I was reading a thread regarding personally made lubricant for PE

Lubricant for Penis Enlargement

However, I was trying to find one of the ingredients: Comfrey, I did some research and it says that comfrey has been taken off the market,

I was wondering if anyone have any good substitutes for this lubricant,

I currently use a lubricant from , water based, breathable for skin

Anyone have anything that would be helpful would be great, thanks

I think you’d be just fine with olive oil and baby oil.

BTW, you’ve been a member for over 3 years and this is your first post, kind of interesting haha.

Start (11/23/08) - 7.0" x 5.0" BPEL/MSEG

Current - 7.375" x 5.0" BPEL/MSEG

Short-Term Goal - 7.5" x 5.375" BPEL/MSEG

Originally Posted by evenflow17
I think you’d be just fine with olive oil and baby oil.

BTW, you’ve been a member for over 3 years and this is your first post, kind of interesting haha.

Yeah I’ve been reading off and on and I haven’t really taken this seriously, but I will now and look forward to me contributing to the community

Olive oil??? That stuff is like 20 dollars vs 1 dollar for baby oil. I use baby oil or shaving cream with a bit of water.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Last edited by bluray : 02-21-2009 at .

I just have a big bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil that costs like $10… and you only use a very little amount, so it doesn’t work out to be expensive whatsoever.

I bought some baby oil gel that has vitamin E in it, but it doesn’t seem to work as well for wet jelqing… not quite as slick.

Start (11/23/08) - 7.0" x 5.0" BPEL/MSEG

Current - 7.375" x 5.0" BPEL/MSEG

Short-Term Goal - 7.5" x 5.375" BPEL/MSEG

Any of you guys use like KY or astroglide?

Also when will I be able to post on the members forums?

I don’t know why you’d ever use water based lube, you have to keep applying it and it dries out quickly.

Seriously 1 dollar bottle of baby oil will last you years if you only use it for jelqinq. You use 1-3 squirts per jelqing session and it gives the penis just the right amount of “I’m now have enough friction that you can grab me and manipulate me without problems but I’m still too slippery for anything to catch and rip or pinch.”

February 1: NPBEL: 5.25" Eg: 4.25"

Well I use water based lube because I hear it lets the skin “breath” anyone that’s been jelqing for a long time (2 years +) have ever experimented and noticed a difference?

Again I think the link on the original post gives a pretty good mix, if you are gonna PE might as well do it well? I think a good lube won’t hurt?

I don’t like oil based products on my unit. I like water based products and it’s much easier to remove.

I massage in some Vita e cream on shaft and balls then use baby oil.

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