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making gains after a decon break

making gains after a decon break

I seem to gain 1/8” in lenght every time I come back from a decon break. I will take a break for a month then come back and do 30 min jelqs 5 days a week and in 2 weeks I gots me another 1/8”. this has happened three times so far. my gains then seem to stall out and any extra work just cements the gain. I see more decondition breaks in my future.

does anyone else notice gains after comming off a deconditon break?

I hope I regain mine quickly, I have had two weeks off after doing PE solidly for 6 weeks.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

6 weeks on and 2 weeks off?? You looks a bit lazy to me.. :D

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

I thought id bring back my old thread ,

I’m about to continue PE after about a 3 years on a break. My routine will be that of 6 weeks on and 2 weeks off. jelqs, manual stretching, clamping, and pisspulls. i just need a quarter inch more in length to reach 8 BPEL. my girth needs less than half an inch to make it 6 EG. i hope this routine still works form . the decon brakes do work. Ive experienced it myself. i thought it was a fluke and didn’t keep it up, but i probably should have. TMT’s thread he revived inspired me to start back PE. it weird i just got back on this site after 2 years and see a thread about a guy who met his goals by using this same strategy. I accidentally stumbled onto this decon brake thing after having blood from the tip, just a drop, but it made me take couple weeks off, well when i started back PE after each break i gain 1/8 in lenght the next month. girth was much slower gain though. probably cause i focused mostly on 50% jelqs, streches, and bends. I’m super excited about starting again and I have a positive feeling that i will at least get some newbie gains again lol.

I have never been able to make it longer than a week, but in the future I will try this month long break you speak of and see what happens, it makes 100% sense and I cannot imagine why I have not done it yet. I never stopped gaining girth, however length was a real demon of mine, and I mean that literally. Perhaps that will work for this.

I decided to do the exact same routine, that brought me the lenght gains back in 08. it was mostly 75-100 wet jelqs and manual streching. nothing more, be consistant every day.. and if no gains come in a month, you rest for a couple weeks, eat healthy, drink alot of water and no work outs. but a fex stretches.

no skipping days. its a gain killer for me and it will stop a nice run if you let it. wait until the gains have stopped be fore a condition break.

Last edited by Banger69 : 06-10-2011 at .
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