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Scared to take a decon break

Scared to take a decon break

I don’t know why but I am scared to take a month off because I am afraid I will lose all my gains and have to work 2* as hard to get em back. I think I’ve hit a plateau and have tried to find other ways around the decon break but the more I read about this the more I think I should take one. Haven’t had too much time off from clamping since I started back in 05/06 or so. So I know I have some thought shit built up in there but I am on the fence whether I should take one for the month of August or not

Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
I don’t know why but I am scared to take a month off because I am afraid I will lose all my gains and have to work 2* as hard to get em back. I think I’ve hit a plateau and have tried to find other ways around the decon break but the more I read about this the more I think I should take one. Haven’t had too much time off from clamping since I started back in 05/06 or so. So I know I have some thought shit built up in there but I am on the fence whether I should take one for the month of August or not

Your due for a break, just take a week off every six to eight weeks that’s what I do.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

The gains you lose through a decon break are easier to gain back.

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH

You shouldn’t scare! Loosing some percentage of gains after decon break isn’t rule in PE.

After all, from time to time, you can do some jelqs or stretches in bathroom…

Just measure yourself once a week, to keep track on how much (and if) you’re losing gains. If you’re losing too much you can always break the decon break.

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