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Not quite a decon break

Not quite a decon break

I did my dc break a couple months ago. I ended up getting a little growth spurt after. Now I seem to have stopped growing again, actually he looks a little tired. So I’m thinking another break, but I don’t want to take a chance on losing the new gains with such a short time between breaks.

So what I was wondering/considering is; Since I see my girl 2, maybe 3 times a week only. I thought that I might do a light jelq/pump routine on those days only and rest the rest of the week. Just enough to plump him up, but not enough to be considered a “workout”.

Possibly do that for a few weeks, then start back up again to see if I get another growth spurt.

Has anyone else tried something like this?

What were the results?

Come on guys.

Has anybody just plumped it up twice a week,as a mild routine, instead of taken a full dc break?

pocopeepee, on one of polish PE boards I read few posts of guy who gained more than 2 inches in length. His main weapon to achieve this results was combination of simplest jelqs and… determination after consistent short decon breaks. Probably frequently DB is key to success for some guys.

I’m not such experienced, but if your unit looks “tired”, I advice you to focus mainly on kegels, while jelqs and stretches treat only as “support” until you start back proper routine.

Good luck.

I’m actually wondering if I need another dc break, or just pe less frequently.
My last break didn’t quite last a month and I got a spurt, so maybe I should try more days off between workouts instead of working him out to exhaustion then taking a longer break.
I noticed that when I started back up in Feb. I got a quick spurt, and the rest just conditioned him into a plateau for 7 months, then a month off, and immediately got another spurt then plateaued. Actually I think I may have overtrained because I started to lose a little length. Well it’s been 4 days, maybe I’ll do a mild jelq/pump combo to plump him up until the weekend.
I’m thinking every 4 days for a while to see if it entices anything, if not, I’ll do the month and start over.

But I still want to hear more replies.
“Throw me a friggin bone here,I’m the boss man, need the info.”—Dr. Evil

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